Realism & Liberalism share [THIS] assumption.
Anarchy & Logic-of-consequences (rationality & fixed preferences) explain state preferences.
The primary actors to liberals are [THESE].
States & IOs.
An interstate war means [THIS].
A war between two states.
Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs), including chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons have a high [BLANK] to [BLANK] ratio.
Kill to cost.
State behavior in realism is predictable.
Anarchy is best described as...
The absence of a central authority figure at the international level.
[THESE] characteristics make up a sovereign state.
Territory, population, government, international legitimacy.
Over time conventional wars have been declining. Meanwhile Guerilla conflict has been increasing. They do NOT have to [THIS] according to the Geneva Conventions.
Declare their allegence to a state.
Give an example of an international court to try war criminals.
ICC, ICTY, & International War Crimes Tribunal at Nuremberg
The security dilemma arises when one state increases its military capabilities and another state perceives this as a security threat.
Realism assumes states pursue [THIS] above all else.
Constructivism stresses the importance of [THIS].
Also take Identity.
The US building up its nuclear arsenal to signal to other states it has strength and credibility in its threats is an example of [THIS STRATEGY].
Humanitarian intervention is [THIS].
Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty provides a road map of potential actions to deescalate conflicts in which NATO is involved.
Alliances are flexible and can be long-term because of [THESE].
Constructivists believe that states' primary interests are [THIS].
"What they make of it."
The claiming or taking of another state's territory based on a cultural claim is an action David Knight called [THIS].
Terrorism CANNOT be described as [THIS].
Attacks are public, violent political goals, & widespread fear.
International Institutions/reciprocity - instead of Human Rights.
Realism views IR as a [BLANK BLANK], referring to the structure itself, and not the agents/states and their characteristics within it as unique units.
Black box.
1. Deter the Soviet Union expansion
2. Prevent European nationalism
3. Encourage European political integration.
The Responsibility to Protect, R2P, has two primary stipulations, which specifically protect [WHOM] in events such as genocide, ethnic cleansing, and crimes against humanity.
Abassi criticised NPT as [3 THINGS].
1. NW states are great powers.
2. Non-universal
3. Vagueness still allows nuclear tech access to non-member states.
American hegemony is responsible for the decline of interstate conflict.
TRUE & FALSE, haha!
Spread of democracy, increase intl trade, & Kellogg-Brand Pact