It's 8pm and a resident reports that they want their bed lowered for comfort purposed.
What is...
- Direct the resident towards scanning the Work Order QR code.
Incident reports are due by this time
What is before/by 8am the next day
Noise Complaint
Objective: Demonstrate how to approach the situation, including knocking, addressing the noise issue respectfully, and following up if necessary.
This is how DOD knows who is on duty in your hall
what is
- They tour each night around 8pm
- You must text them at the beginning of your duty shift @ 8pm!!!
DOD has asked you to conduct a wellness check on a resident. They do not answer when you knock. What do you do next?
What is...
1. You can message them on Group Me
2. You can use the Teams roster to call / contact them
3. You can use a master key to key into their room. MUST be with a 2nd staff member BEFORE keying in
4. Call DOD after exhausting these options. May need to write IR.
Two types of reporting forms in the Staff Portal
What is
1. Health & Safety Form
2. Residence Life Incident Reporting Form
Other forms you see....
Health & Safety Confiscation
Objective: Demonstrate proper handling of prohibited items during Health & Safeties, including documentation, notification of staff, and ensuring professionalism and privacy.
List scenarios in which it is mandatory to call DOD. 50 points per correct answer.
- Title IX disclosure (harassments, assault, DV, intimate partner violence, stalking)
- Physical altercation of any degree (shove, push, punch)
- Severe alcohol or drug impairment
- Passed out resident
- Medical emergencies / injuries
- Covered smoke detector
Simplex fire panel goes off for room 401. What steps do you take?
What is...
1. Identify the room #
2. Go check on the room w/ a master key
3. Visually inspect the room & determine why the alarm went off
4. Share your finding with UP
5. Submit an IR Report
You can attach this kind of content to the incident report form.
Part 2: When will you have a need to attach content to a form?
What are (1) videos and (2) photos
Will need these files if you handle a
- Alcohol / marijuana / drug / weapon incident
- Harassment incident (involving vandalism, text threats, social media snubs, etc.)
- Confiscations
- Health & Safeties - extreme messiness
Roommate Disagreement
Objective: Role-play mediating the conversation, de-escalating the argument, and proposing potential solutions.
Emergency Work Orders. List them. Each correct answer will receive 50 points.
- Shower / toilet flooding
- Both elevators being down
- All lights out in a room
- All electrical out in a room
- A lock that doesn't work / lock
- Bodily fluids (blood, urine, fecal matter, vomit, etc.)
When do you submit IR reports?
- Elevated residents concerns where threats, bias, or discrimination were present
- Alcohol or drug scenarios***
- Major guests concerns / violations
- If a smoke detector goes off
- Elevated roommate issues
Why is objectivity important when writing a report?
- Reports can be utilized in conduct or even court cases
- Accurate record is needed for student misconduct to hold them accountable to the Student Code of Conduct
- Inserting opinion or bias in the report is unprofessional
- Being objective helps to craft a clean and easily-understood report
Alcohol / Party
Objective: Role-play addressing the situation, explaining policy violations, collecting/disposing of the paraphernalia, and writing an incident report.
You should know this information when calling DOD
- Incident description / any back information you have
- Where you are (hall and floor)
- Who you are
This is the protocol for building-wide fire alarms aka building dumps (each step from exiting to returning back into building)
2. Stand at the gathering point - ensure other residents are doing the same
3. Call UP and DOD
4. Give UP the Red Binder
5. Wait for clearance from fire department for re-entry
6. Each RA should grab a master key, take a floor, and inspect each room to ensure no residents are in the room.
6A. Ensure residents do not use the elevator for the first half hour after an alarm
7. MUST lock each room after opening to prevent any theft-related incidents!
8. Open up any rooms at the request of a residents who forgot their keys
9. Escort any residents who didn't leave the hall to HD office
10. Assist DOD with writing report as needed
You need this information when submitting an IR or Health & Safety form
Bonus 50 points for stating where you can find that information!
What is...
1. Name
2. ID #
3. DOB
4. Phone #
5. Email address
6. Hall/room #
Bonus answer: Teams roster! Excel roster will have all these fields
Mental Health Crisis
Objective: Role-play providing immediate support, contacting appropriate resources (e.g., on-call staff, counseling services), and ensuring the resident's safety.
There is a physical altercation taking place. You call DOD. The residents are fighting, there is a large crowd & residents are filming, in the area of the fight, and egging on the situation. DOD and UP arrive. What is the RA role.
- Crowd control
- Student identification
- Helping write IR report
- Not touching the residents / getting physically involved