Big Red Lollipop
Gingerbread for Liberty
Pepita and the Bully

Choose the correct word to finish the sentence:

Anna and Max weren't ______ to the party, so they cannot go.

A - snuggled
B - invited
C - whimpered
D - avoided

B - invited

Anna and Max weren't invited to the party, so they cannot go.


Isabella doesn't/don't like chicken.

Isabella doesn't like chicken. 


At the end of the story, how did Sana show she was sorry?

Sana gave a big green lollipop to Rubina. 


Do you think the baker was brave? Why? Why not?

Answers may vary


Why do you think Pepita gave Babette a tissue?

Answers may vary

Pepita tried to be kind to become friends with Babette. 


Choose the correct word to finish the sentence:

Eden tries to ______ his mother to let him play games instead of doing his homework.

A - threatening
B - practice
C - excuse
D - persuade

D - persuade

Eden tries to persuade his mother to let him play games instead of doing his homework.


Jiho and Justin doesn't/don't argue over the toy.

Justin and Jiho don't argue over the toy. 


Why could Sana go to her friend's party alone?

Rubina felt sorry for Sana and told Ami to let her go alone. 


How did the baker help the American soldiers?

The baker baked gingerbread for the hungry American soldiers. 


Why did Babette cry?

Babette cried because Pepita was mean to her.


Choose the correct word to finish the sentence:

If Ella always _____ with her friends, they will not want to play with her anymore.

A - argues
B - conflict
C - yells
D - frowns

A - argues

If Ella always argues with her friends, they will not want to play with her anymore.


The boys doesn't/don't play outside when it rains.

The boys don't play outside when it rains.


Why did Ami say it's only fair that Sana should take her little sister, Maryam, to the party?

Rubina had to take Sana to her friend's party, so it's only fair that Sana has to take Rubina and Maryam this time. 


Why did the baker want to find a way to help America?

The baker loved America, so he wanted to find a way to help.


What advice did Pepita's father give her?

Pepita's father said she has to be kind. If Babette yanks her braids, she should tell her teacher. If Babette says mean things, she should be polite or walk away. 


Choose the correct word to finish the sentence:

Jaeyi and Mia ______ their vocabulary words before they write test.

A - shove
B - practice
C - save
D - yank

B - practice

Jaeyi and Mia practice their vocabulary words before they write test.


I doesn't/don't think Lina should eat Sophia's lollipop.

I don't think Lina should eat Sophia's lollipop.


Why did nobody invite Rubina to their parties ?

The other girls knew that if they invite Rubina, she will have to bring her little sister to their parties.


In the beginning of the story, how do we find out that the baker was a kind man?

The baker gave broken pieces of gingerbread to hungry children. 


How did Mrs. Becker describe Pepita's braids?

Mrs. Becker described Pepita's braids as black satin ribbons shining in the sun. 


Choose the correct word to finish the sentence:

Kevin _____ when the teacher tries to wake him up because he wants to sleep.

A - shove
B - persuades
C - frowns
D - rude

C - frowns

Kevin frowns when the teacher tries to wake him up because he wants to sleep.


It doesn't/don't snow in summer.

It doesn't snow in summer. 


What did Rubina and Sana do with their lollipops when they got it?

Rubina saved her lollipop for later, while Sana ate her lollipop immediately. 


What does it mean if a story is a biography?

A biography is a story about real people and their lives. 


Why is Babette a bully?
(name two things she did that was mean)

Answers may vary

On the first day, Babette said that Pepita's name is not a name and it's nothing but a noise.

On the second day, Babette said that Lobo has fleas. 

On the third day, Babette yanked Pepita's braids and said it looks like raggedy ropes.
