Name of Iran's last dynasty
What is Pahlavi Dynasty
Iran’s national dish
What is ghorme sabzi
This Iranian princess was so "beautiful" that people literally died from heartbreak after she rejected them.
What is Qajar princess
The location of Siose Pol
What is Isfahan
Iran won its first Oscar for a movie about divorce, family drama, and low-key calling out the legal system.
What is "The separation"
Name of the epic Ferodowsi wrote
What is Shahnameh
Expensive spice from a purple flower
What is Saffron
Once a beloved actor, now they say he can't act
Who is Mohammad Reza Golzar
The city known as the "city of poets"
What is Shiraz
This Iranian director loved filming from inside cars so much that watching his movies feels like being in an Uber with a poet
Who is Abbas Kiarostami
Historic event in 1979
What is Iranian Revolution
If you're offered food and say "No, thank you" just once, what happens next?
Who sang "khoshgela bayad beraghsan"
Who is Andy
Top 3 famous Islands in the South of Iran
What is Hormuz, Kish, Qeshm
The actress who played Shahrzad
Who is Taraneh Alidoosti
The king who wrote the first declaration on human rights
What is Cyrus the Great
People literally smuggle it in their suitcases when traveling abroad
What is pistachio
First Iranian women who payed to go up in space
Who is Anousheh Ansari
Height of Azadi Tower
What is 148'
The actor who played the mullah in the movie Marmoulak
Who is Parviz Parastoui?
This ancient Persian general was so ripped that Greek historians couldn’t stop writing about how intimidating he looked
Who is Ariobarzanes?
Fesenjoon is flavored with this brightly colored fruit which is a symbol of fertility and prosperity.
What is pomegranate?
Iranian-American channel that had to shutdown
What is Manoto
This ruined city was once the capital of the Persian Empire until Alexander the Great showed up with a grudge and a torch.
What is Persepolis
This Iranian filmmaker got banned from making movies, so he filmed one on his phone and smuggled it out in a cake
Who is Jafar Panahi