Wow many people live there?
What is 4.8 million people?
What type of flag is it?
What is a tricolour flag?
What is her job?
What is a fishmonger?
What is the Leprechauns job?
What is a shoemaker?
When is St. Patricks day?
What is the 17th of march?
What is the capital?
What is Dublin city?
What are the colours of the flag?
What is green, white and orange?
What does she cry?
What is cockles and mussels?
What does the Leprechaun like to do?
What is playing tricks on and teasing people?
Who do we celabrate?
Who is the guy who bought christianity to Ireland?
What is Irelands nickname?
What is the Emerald isle?
What is the name of the flag?
What is an bhratach naisiunta?
How did she die?
What is a fever?
Where does the Leprechaun sit?
What is at the end of the rainbow?
What colour do the Irish wear (the traditional)?
What is green?
Why is Ireland parted in two? (as in why are northern Ireland and the rebublic of Ireland not one country?)
What is northern Ireland is a part of great britain while the rebublic of Ireland is not?
What is the name of the flag? (in english)
What is the Irish tricolour?
What is the song?
What is the unofficial anthem?
What does the Leprechaun say to the man in the book?
What is "Look! There's an eagle"?
What kind of day is it?
What is a national holiday?
Which Ocean is it in?
What is the Atlantic Ocean?
How many colours are there?
What is three colours?
(Finnish the lyric)
In Dublins fair city.....
.....Where the girls are so pretty
What are the Leprechauns main colours?
What is orange and green?
What is the symbol? (as in what do people think of when thinking St. patricks day?)
What is the shamrock?