This is what type of skill-
Paced Breathing
Progressive muscle relaxation
Distress Tolerance Skill
What do teens say when they have trouble with even numbers in their math class?
*knee slap*
What does CBT stand for?
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
What does RC stand for?
Residential Counselor
Which app was almost banded in the USA in 2020?
What is Tic Tok?
What skill does check the facts fall under?
Emotional Regulation Skills
I have no doors but I have keys, I have no rooms but I do have a space, you can enter but you can never leave. What am I?
A keyborad
What shape is used in CBT?
A triangle
What year did the adolescents campus open?
Great customer services, but closed on Sunday
Experiencing your emotions fully without holding on to it or pushing it away.
What Skills is this ?
Emotional Regulation
There was a green house. Inside the green house there was a white house. Inside the white house there was a red house. Inside the red house there were lots of babies. What is it?
A watermelon
Who is the Recreation Therapist?
Jeff aka Fitness Jeff
I was influential in history. If you ever had a $10 bill then you've seen me. I wrote most of the Federal Papers. A ton of people want to see me but I was always booked.
Who is Alexander Hamilton
You use this skill to get what you want?
Hint- Interpersonal Effectiveness Skills
During which month do people sleep the least?
Catch It, Check It, Challenge It, Change It
What is a Core Belief ?
Who's in charge of the Residential Counselor?
Reggie -Director or Residential Services
A yellow box, with Casper in it?
What is SnapChat?
What does ABC PLEASE stand for?
Accumulating positive
Building Mastery
Cope ahead of time
Physical Illness
Eat balanced meals
Avoid mood altering drugs
Sleep balanced
What happens four times in a teenager’s life, once in adult life and never in childhood?
The letter E
usually with a negative swing – which prevent us from seeing things as they really are.
Thinking Trap
Who is the Vice President of the Adolescent Campus?
Piper Coffey
What is the national animal of Scotland
What is a Unicorn?