This bipedal rodent is an electric type that stands 2'7" and has an orange body with long brown ears, brown paws, and a brown tail that ends in a yellow lightning bolt shape. Though it is the third and final form of its species, it is significantly less popular than the form which comes before it, which has remained the mascot of Pokémon since the series first started.
Who is Raichu.
"I wanna be the very best
Like no one ever was"
Are the first two lines of this popular Pokémon-themed song.
What is "Gotta Catch'em All" the theme song from the very fist Pokémon TV show.
This Pokémon has the first entry in the national Pokédex bearing the number 001.
Who is Bulbasaur.
This Pokémon was born from a single egg and is the first Pokémon to ever exist.
Who is Arceus.
Pokémon is actually a contraction for these two words.
What are pocket monsters?
This bipedal mammalian Pokémon looks like a cross between a cat and a bear. It has dark fur that is blue green in color, with a cream colored face, belly, and feet. It is well known for spending nearly all of its time sleeping, and its sleep is so deep that it can only be awakened by special means, like playing a Poké flute for example.
Who is Snorlax.
This Pokémon can walk and talk and is a major member of Team Rocket since the beginning of the first TV series.
Who is Meowth.
This is the number of entries in the national Pokédex as of January 2025.
What is 1025.
This is the number of main regions in Pokemon.
What is 9?
This is the year that the first two Pokémon games, Pokémon Red and Pokémon Blue, released in the United States.
What is the year 1998?
This starter Pokemon is a water type that has two evolutions that can be achieved by leveling it up, first to level 16, then achieving its final form at level 36. The final form of this Pokemon is very popular, sporting a pink tongue that it wraps around its neck like a scarf, and learning a signature move called Water Shuriken.
Who is Froakie.
This jealous Pokemon tried to hit Pikachu with a shadow ball during the Great Pancake race and was disqualified because using an attack was against the rules.
Who is Mimikyu.
According to its Pokédex entry this Pokémon was created when the DNA of a space virus was exposed to a laser beam.
Who is Deoxys?
In 1925 the research of Professor Westwood who worked at this famous Pokémon university led to the creation of the modern Pokéball.
What is Celadon University?
This is the estimated combined sales number for Pokémon games worldwide in number of units, as of December 2023.
What is 480 million units sold.
This Pokemon has two tusks and a long trunk that it can wrap around its body to curl up and roll like a wheel. It has the unique typing of Ground Fighting which it doesn't share with any other Pokemon, and it has no evolutions.
Who is Great Tusk.
Leon and Charizard.
According to its Pokédex entry, this Pokémon can be dangerous to children if they mistake it for the object it resembles.
Who is Drifloon?
Castelia, the large city by the sea in the Unova Region, is famous for this sweet treat.
What is the Casteliacone?
In a popularity poll conducted by the Pokémon company and in collaboration with google, this dual-typed Pokémon that has a primary water type, won over 140,000 votes to become the Pokémon of the year in 2020.
Who is Greninja
In generation 1, this bug / grass type Pokemon species was notable for having 3 quadruple weaknesses (that means it takes 4x damage) to Flying, Fire, and Poison. However, since generation II and onward, Bug types haven't been weak to poison.
Who is paras or parasect.
This Pokemon dragon-type trainer and original member of the elite four is the only regional champion and Masters Eight member who Ash has never battled.
Who is Lance.
According to its Pokédex entry, this Pokémon came from the future, and its arrival signifies a bright and shining future for the land where it travels.
Who is Celebi?
This is the kingdom in Hoenn is where Togepi come from. In order to be eligible to take over the kingdom, any future monarch must catch a Togepi.
What is the Mirage Kingdom?
This dual typed Pokémon has ground as one of it's types and was the first Pokémon ever designed according to Ken Sugimori, the art director for the first six generations of Pokemon.
Who is Rhydon.