
What is 'Je suis allé au le magasin pour me procurer quelques raviolis pour le dîner.' in English?

Hint: It's something for dinner.

I went to go to the store to get myself some ravioli for dinner.


What is 'J'ai du aller au parc avec mon petit frère pour avoir un peu de la glace a la vanille Francais' in English?  

Hint: It's cold and you eat it when it's hot outside.

I had to go to the park with my little brother to have some French vanilla ice cream.


What is 'Mon frere a du dire a l'enseignant que Simon avait jeté du sable sur Emily.' in English?

Hint: Simon threw something at Emily.

My brother had to tell the teacher that Simon threw sand at Emily.


What is 'Je vois un groupe d'enfants construire des gens de la neige!' in English?

Hint: It takes place outside.

I see a group of people of kids building snow people!


What is 'J'aime être dans ma chambre et écouter mes chansons préférées.' in English? 

Hint: I'm inside listening to one of my favourite things.

I like to be in my room and listen to my favourite songs.


What is 'Je suis alle chez ma grand-mere pour aller chercher sa sauce a spaghetti.' in English? 

Hint: It's about one of my family members. 

I went over to my grandma's house to go pick up her spaghetti sauce.


What is 'Je devais prendre le petit déjeuner avant de passer du temps avec mes amis!' in English? 

Hint: I had to do something before I could go hangout with ___.

I had to have breakfast before I hang out with my friends!


What is 'J'ai du dire des choses sur moi-meme a la classe.' in English?

Hint: It takes place in a classroom.

I had to say some things about myself to the class.


What is 'Je vois 3 oiseaux voler au-dessus du lac.'in English?

Hint: It can FLY!

I see 3 birds flying over the lake.


What is 'Ma famille aime etre a la campagne parce qu'il y a plus d'air frais et de nouveaux animaux a voir.' in English?

Hint: It's something about my family and what we like.

My family like to be in the country side because there's more fresh air and new animals to see.


What is 'Je suis alle faire quelques corvees avant de pouvoir prendre un dessert.' in English?

Hint: I had to clean

I went to go do some chores before I could have some dessert.


What is 'J'ai du trouver du poisson pour que nous puissions manger du poissons pour le dîner.' in English?

Hint: Something about fish.

I had to find some fish so we could eat fish for dinner.


What is 'J'ai dû parler a mes amis pour leur dire de quoi je parlais.' in English?

Hint: I'm explaining something to some people.

I had to talk to my friends to tell them what I'm explaining about.


What is 'Je vois 5 cerfs se diriger vers un étang dans la forêt.' in English?

Hint: It's going towards something.

I see 5 deer's going towards a pond in the forest.


What is 'Mon frère veut être un ouvrier de la construction comme son père.' in English?

Hint: It's about jobs.

My brother wants to be a construction worker like his dad.


What is 'J'ai du aller aider ma mere a faire des biscuits au chocolat pour la fête de ce soir.' in English?

HInt: Something with chocolate in it.

I had to go help my mother to bake some chocolate cookies for tonight's party.


What is 'J'ai du nettoyer toute ma chambre juste pour trouver un livre que je voulais lire après 2 ans.' in English?

Hint: I lost something and I found it 2 years later.

I had to clean my whole room just to find a book I wanted to read after 2 years.


What is 'Un de mes amis me parlait de leurs films préférés.' in English?

Hint: They're talking about something that's their favourite.

One of my friends were telling me about their favourite movies.


What is 'Je vois un grand groupe de pompiers essayer de sauver 3 enfants et 2 adultes.' in English?

Hint: It's something about saving people.

I see a big group of firefighters trying to save 3 kids and 2 adults.


What is 'Je veux être danseuse quand je serai plus agee, comme je le faisais quand j'avais 6 ou 7 ans.' in English?

Hint: It was something I used to do when I was little. 

I want to be a dancer when I'm older, like I did when I was 6 or 7.


What is 'John a du se depecher d'aller a l'arret de bus. Quand il était à l'école, il oubliait ses devoirs.' in English? 

Hint: John had something to bring in the next day.

John had to hurry to go to the bus stop. When he was at school he forgot his homework. 


What is 'Mon travail consiste a trouver des objets rares. J'ai donc dû trouver un poulet doré pour pouvoir être payé.' 

Hint: I needed to find this item so I can get paid.

My job is to find rare items. So I had to find a golden chicken so I can get paid.


What is 'Mon frere disait que son jeu prefere est Mario World.' in English?

Hint: It's a game.

My brother was saying that his favourite game is Mario World.


What is 'Je vois des feux d'artifice dans le ciel!' in English?

Hint: It's dark and It's outside.

I see fireworks in the sky!


What is 'Mon chien et moi avons etre danseurs et danser comme des fous!' in English?

Hint: Me and my dog are ___ like crazy.

Me and my dog like to dance around like crazy.
