Flaming Cheetos
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Wub a lub a dub dub
I (saw/seen) that tv show.
What is saw
I (swam/swum) four miles yesterday.
What is swam
Because Henry enjoyed impressing his girlfriend Gloria, he (paid/had payed) for the expensive dinner with his brand new credit card; he would worry about the shocking statement when it arrived in the mail next month.
What is paid
To ensure that the ragged edges of his essay did not inspire Mrs. Varner’s rage, Jack carefully (tear/tore/torn) the fuzzies from the sheets of paper.
What is tore
Melissa dug in her heels and (held/helt) the leash with both hands; Mellie, her Labrador retriever, saw children playing Frisbee down the street and wanted desperately to chase the flying red disk.
What is held
They have (saw/seen) the new Star Wars movie three times.
What is seen
He (brought/brung) the movie from home.
What is brought
While crawling along in rush-hour traffic, Kay cranked up her car stereo and (sing/sang/sung) the lyrics to "Back in Black" with AC/DC, oblivious to the scowls of annoyance from the other drivers trapped beside her.
What is sang
If Tyree had (knew/known/knowed) how beautiful the substitute teacher was going to be, he would have prepared his math homework—instead of an arsenal of spitballs—to impress her with his intelligence.
What is known
Jeanne (sold/selt) her house of twenty years with great misgivings; she worried that the new owners would dig up the bones of her beloved cat, Emmy Lou, to put a pool or rose garden in the backyard.
What is sold
He (shook/shaken) the bottle before giving it to his friend.
What is shook
He has (laid/lain) in bed for 10 weeks.
What is lain
Without stopping for breath, Mervina, the neighborhood gossip, (caught/catched/cought) Kishana up on the neighborhood news, including Sherry's disastrous dinner party, where the frog tongue soup sent five guests to the local emergency room.
What is caught
With a hotdog, Dris (lead/led/leaded) Butler, her bulldog, to the car but could not get him onto the backseat; Butler sensed a trip to the vet and refused to budge.
What is led
While Clive stood on top of the fire ant mound, several of the insects crawled over his shoes and (stingged/stang/stung) him on the ankles, sending the poor boy dancing around the yard and slapping at his legs.
What is stung
The man was (shook/shaken) by the terrible news.
What is shaken
The girl must have (ran/run) all the way from home.
What is run
At the beginning of the semester, Joyce anticipated learning about Egyptian archeology. Her interest (shrieked/shrank/shrunck), however, as the monotonous lectures of Dr. Nelson provided facts dustier than mummy wrappings.
What is shrank
Tikeja (feeld/felt/felded) Michael's forehead to confirm his fever. When cool skin met her touch, she knew her little brother was faking an illness to get out of helping her rake the big backyard.
What is felt
The telephone (ring/rang/rung) twelve times before Pablo would lift the receiver. He prayed the call was from a salesperson and not his psycho ex-girlfriend Maria.
What is rung
They have (drank/drunk) all the water in the bottle.
What is drunk
Her strong arms caught him when he (fell/fallen) to the floor.
What is fell
If Carlos had known that hail the size of golf balls would fall later that day, he would have (wore/worn) his shoulder pads and football helmet instead of his one good suit.
What is worn
Thrashing on the surface of the lake, a huge catfish (bent/bended/had bent) Reggie's fishing pole almost to the point of breaking. Reggie fought on, images of fried fillets making his mouth water.
What is bent
Tiffany (sleeped/slept) through all of Dr. Olefke's 8 a.m. astronomy lectures; like black holes, the low grades on her exams sucked up any hope of passing the class.
What is slept