Self Care & Physical Fitness
Stress Management
& Coping Skills
Communication Skills
Positive Thinking
Community Resources

What does the acronym SMART stand for in setting goals for yourself?

Specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time bound


What are the two hormones that are related to stress?

(Name 1)

Adrenaline: More energy, faster heartbeat

Cortisol: Slows non-essential functions in a flight or fight situation


What does active listening involve?
a) Interrupting the speaker
b) Focusing on your response
c) Focusing on eye contact
d) Paying attention and understanding the speaker


EXAMPLES: Paraphrase and summarize, appropriate non-verbal cues (pauses/head nods/posture/eye contact), ask open ended questions, full attention (no distractions), think about and set aside biases in your statements


Which is not a tip for how to make and use positive affirmation statements?

A. Say affirmations out loud.

B. Use the future tense.

C. Try not to highlight the negative.

D. Choose meaningful affirmations.

Double Jeopardy!!

Name 5 positive affirmation statements that you tell yourself. 



What organizations would you contact for transportation assistance in St. Lucie and/or Martin Counties?

1. St. Lucie County- ART (Area Regional Transport)

(772) 462-1778; FREE direct, bus, and para transit

2. Martin County- MARTY

(772) 463-2860; fare; bus and para transit


What are the expert recommendations of how much water you should be drinking per day? Women compared to men?

Women: 9 cups daily

Men: 13 cups daily


Using the app Headspace for _____ per day, at any time during the day, reduced stress in a meaningful way. 

DOUBLE JEOPARDY! Benefits last for how long after stopping use of Headspace?

(University of California, San Francisco; Dept. of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences)

10 minutes

Bonus: 2 months


What is a good tip for email etiquette?

A. Be overly detailed (paragraphs)

B. Expect a response within 24 hours

C. Only give out a referral (someone's contact information) if they explicitly gave you permission to do so.

D. List requests about broad goals or large projects, and expect short-term action on your requests.


Correct tips:

1. Keep it concise

2. Make your 'ask' reasonable

3. Referrals- only give out a referral (someone's contact information) if they explicitly gave you permission to do so

4. Be patient- do not expect an instant response. Email again after 7-10 business days

5. Begin emails with appropriate formal salutation


Which is NOT one of the 3 ways you can change your thinking to improve your emotions and stay motivated to learn?

A. Ignore negative thoughts: Immediately think of a more positive topic instead

B. Identify common styles of unhelpful thinking (all or nothing, catastrophizing, labeling, mind-reading, etc.)

C. Challenge your negative thoughts: Gather the evidence, define the terms/labels you are using, consider what you would tell a friend


Track negative thoughts: Write them down


What organizations would you contact if you or someone you know needs local short-term shelter?

1. Salvation Army Compassion House (Stuart, FL)

(772) 288-1471

2. I Am The Source: Dignity Bus (Vero Beach, FL)

(772) 564-0202

$2 per night, call day-of


What percentage of American adults (18+) report getting less than the daily recommended 7 hours of sleep per night?



Which is NOT an effective way to make sure breathing techniques reduce stress?

A. Avoiding fast-only and <5 min practices

B. Using visuals (pictures) instead of human-guided (voice, video instructions).

C. Multiple sessions & long-term practice



Which is NOT a tip for how to effectively communicate with a supervisor (boss) or other authority figure (i.e. professor, staff, other professionals)?

DOUBLE JEOPARDY: Try and name one more!

A. Know what you want to achieve: be clear about your goals

B. Choose your communication method: Tailor it to the one you prefer (email, phone/video call, in-person)

C. Be concise and straightforward: concisely introduce concerns/requests, focus on solutions for how to move forward with issues currently at hand

B: Tailor it to the one your supervisor prefers


Have a positive attitude and be open to feedback

Communicate regularly- have regularly scheduled times for communication, whether things are going smoothly or not 


Which is not a tip for cultivating gratitude in your everyday life?

A. Practice at least four times a day (writing/journaling)

B. Incorporate gratitude into your routine: say what you are grateful for before meals, before bedtime, during a walk

C. Express your gratitude for others: verbal thank you, note, acts of kindness

D. Shift your perspective- reframe and think about the silver lining

A: Practice once per day

Example: 3 good things that happened, 3 things you are grateful for, 3 things you love about being a student


Where do you go if you or someone you know needs assistance applying for Department of Children & Families (DCF) Programs? For example: temporary cash assistance (TANF), food assistance (SNAP), SAMHSA programs, child welfare, etc.

St. Lucie County Access Center in Ft. Pierce, FL

(850) 487-1111


What are the recommended weekly levels (length and frequency) of physical activity for adults (18+)?

DOUBLE JEOPARDY! What percentage of American adults (18+) and adolescents do not meet the recommended daily levels of physical activity?

150- 300 minutes (2.5 -5 hours) per week.

2 days/week of muscle activity

BONUS: 31% of adults, 80% of adolescents


Who do I turn to?

I reach out to a __________ to prescribe me medications related to mental health. 

However, I reach out to a _________ for professional advice/support and confidential discussion of details about my personal issues to help me be a successful student. 

1. Psychiatrist

2. Licensed Clinical Social Worker

TIP: Reach out to HANDS of St. Lucie County for FREE visits that do not require health insurance. 

(772) 462-5846


Which is NOT a recommendation for communicating with people with disabilities?

A. Avoid being self conscious about your use of wording

B. Talk directly to the accompanying person (i.e. friend/family, interpreter, caregiver). 

C. Ask if assistance is needed, do not assume

D. People first language: person with disability, not "disabled person"

E.Use appropriate eye contact and normal tone of voice. 


Talk directly to the person with disabilities, not to any accompanying person


Which is NOT an important tip for gratitude journaling?

A. Be as specific as possible (clear, detailed)

B. Breadth over Depth (many surface level topics over one deep topic)

C. Get Personal (focus on people over things)

D. Try subtraction, not just addition (picture your life without certain people/things)

DOUBLE JEOPARDY: Try and name another one!

B: Reverse it!!

Double Jeopardy- EXTRA TIPS!

5. See good things as gifts- savor things, don't take for granted

6. Savor surprises- record unexpected fun events for memories

7. Aim for variety- focus on different details if you are writing about the same person/thing/topic

8.Write regularly- commit to a regular time and honor it.


What organization would you contact for information regarding free health insurance for students that are St. Lucie County residents?

HANDS of St Lucie County (Ft. Pierce, FL)

(772) 462-5846


Which is not one of the 3 strategies college students reported to be most effective in helping promote healthy eating on campus?

A. Keep the same products consistently offered in the cafeteria

B. Organizing clean spaces where students who prepare meals from home can heat up and eat their food

C. Discounts on healthy food items

A: Vary the food products offered in the cafeteria


_________ is the national mental health organization that advocacy, education, support and public awareness so that all individuals and families affected by mental illness can build better lives. 

 National Alliance on Mental Illness


What are the five love languages?

(Gary Chapman)

Acts of service, quality time, receiving gifts, physical touch, words of affirmation

TIP: These are NOT just about communication in romantic relationships! They refer to communication with family, friends, partners, professors, classmates, coworkers... anyone!


The __________ is the area of the brain that helps with storing short term memories. According to a 2018 study, there is correlation between positive attitude and improved functioning of this area of the brain.

A. Hippocampus

B. Pituitary Gland

C. Cerebellum

D. Hypothalamus



What organization has an online database to use if you or someone you know needs to locate a food pantry, soup kitchen, and pet or baby pantry?

Treasure Coast Food Bank
