What do ice cores come from?
They come from glaciers.
Is the earth”s climate always changing?
Yes it is constantly changing.
Where can the canisters be found?
The canisters can be found in the ice/ice cores.
Which green house gas traps the most heat in the atmosphere?
Methane gas
Opposed to taking 333 years for Earth‘s surface to heat up by 1 degree, it would only take how many years?
59 years to heat up.
What is stored in the ice cores?
Gases are stored in the ice cores.
On avg. how many Years did it take for historical temperatures to change by 1 degree
What are the canisters made up of?
The canisters are made up of air.
How do the levels of greenhouse gases affect temperature?
Greenhouse gases trap heat from the sun inside Earths atmosphere.
The word Anthropogenic means..?
Anthropogenic means Influenced by People.
What are ice cores used for?
They are used to find the time period of the gas and temperature of the Earth thousands of years ago.
How many years would it take for the Earth to warm by 3 degrees
it would take 3000 years
What does ppb stand for?
Parts per billion.
How does temperature affect the concentration of greenhouse gases?
Temperature affects the living environment for plants animals allowing plants to bloom earlier and animals to live longer.
What are 3 reasons for increased gas concentrations since the Industrial Revolution?
Energy, Food, and Transportation are the 3 reasons for the increase.
Where are most ice cores located?
Greenland and Antartica, but they can also be in places of high altitudes like in the Andes and Himalayas.
What are the 4 natural events that contribute to historical changes in our climate?
volcanic eruptions, greenhouse gases, tectonic plates and earth’s spin, tilt, and orbit.
What happened that made the CO2 emissions spike heavily on the first set of question marks?
What happened during the second set of question marks?
The first set was when the second Industrial Revolution happened and factors started being built.
The second set was when WW2 hit and lots of machinery and guns were made in factories. Since then factories have been used to make more products and other huge things such as metals.
Between an air sample from Hawaii and one from Canada, which would probably have a higher CO2 concentration? Why?
An air sample from Hawaii would have a higher concentration de to the warmer climate and increased plant and animal density.
What effects will eventually occur due to global warming?
Extreme heat waves, Water shortages, and Rising sea levels.
When electromechanical drills retrieve the ice cores, how many meters of ice do they take?
The drills take 3 meters of ice.
What has caused the rate of change to be more dramatic?
the industrial revelation has cause it to be more dramatic.
What is 1 of the important sources for carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide?
Carbon dioxide
Nitrous Oxide
Which factor (between Temperature and gas concentration) consistently causes changes in the other?
Neither factors consistently cause changes in the other, both factors are liked but there is no evidence for change.
At an increase rate of 2.5 ppm/year starting at 392 ppm in 2025, what will the concentration of carbon dioxide be in 2050?
The concentration of CO2 will be at 454.5 ppm in 2050