Wars are expensive because
Weapons cost a lot
There is punishment because
What are
1. To show Power
2. Deter Crime
3. Entertainment
4. Technological Advancement
This many people were killed by the Plague
What is 50 million
Witches created
What are potions, spells
Archers were from this class
People were put in the iron maiden because
What is not paying taxes
The plague lead to
A lot of scientific discovery
Witches were portrayed in the 15th century as
Connected to devils
This battle was in the 331 BC
Battle of Hastings
French guillotine was used for
What is efficiently carrying out executions
This was how the Plague was spread
Fleas on rats
This continent had the most witches
The main 3 goals behind a medieval war
What is
1 - money
2 - power
3 - resources
Reason for public executions
What is fear/deterrent
How did people slow down the plague
Country had most witch prosecutions
Built-in prisons were called
Main crime before Norman Invasion
What is petty theft
Doctors masks were shaped like crows because
Flowers in beaks
Women were accused of witchcraft because
What is:
work involved chemicals, healing