The branch of engineering that consists of design, construction, and the use of machines
What is mechanical engineering?
The flow of electrons/electricity
What is a current?
Site of protein synthesis
What are ribosomes?
The application of biology and engineering to create tangible economically-viable products
What is biological engineering?
(C) Which element does this symbol represent?
What is carbon?
Which law of motion states that an object at rest, stays at rest, unless acted upon by an outside force?
What is Newton's First Law of Motion?
Circuits or devices using transistors, micro chips, and other components
What are electronics?
Physical barrier that regulates material movement in and out of the cell
What is the cell membrane?
An early example of a product or invention
What is a prototype?
Russian chemistry professor who created the periodic table
Who is Dimitri Mendeleev/ Mendeleev?
A quantity that has both magnitude and direction
What is a vector?
A material that allows heat and electricity to pass through it
What is a conductor?
packages proteins and lipids
What is the Golgi complex/Golgi body?
The emission of energy as electromagnetic waves
What is radiation?
Nonmetals are found on this side of the periodic table
What is the left side?
The study concerning the mechanics of fluids
What is hydraulics?
Positively charged ions
What are cations?
Organisms that do not have a nucleus (single-celled)
What are prokaryotes?
The design, fabrication, and fitting of artificial body parts.
What are prosthetics?
The three categories in which the periodic table is arranged
What are metals, nonmetals, metalloids?
Device used to guide a cutting tool/hold material in the correct position
What is a jig?
A machine that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy
What is a generator?
Which theory states the following:
1. All living things are made up of cells
2. Cells are the basic unit of living things
3. All cells come from pre-existing cells
What is the cell theory?
A type of medicine that uses radioactive tracers to assess bodily functions
What is nuclear medicine?
The arrangement of electrons in the orbitals of an atom in its ground state
What is the electron configuration?