What does 2 of diamonds do?
Doubles your coin count
Tainted lilith to beast?
Twisted Pair
Rock Bottom
Secret Room
What items description is "Defense drone" when you pick it up?
Bot Fly
The Black rune is equivalent to what item?
Greed Mode Eden?
GB Bug
Sacred Heart
Angel, Ultra Secret
What spins down into Death Certificate
Bot Fly
What pickup is described as "Your very own murder"
Soul of Eve
Guppy's Eye
Broken Glasses?
Complete challenge #40 (Seeing Double)
Shop, Key Beggar
What challenge unlocks Reverse Chariot?
Hot Potato
How much of a damage up does Reverse Sun give you?
+1.5 Damage
Ndnyek Eoits
Kidney Stone
Black Candle?
Donate 150 Coins to your donation machine
Anarchist cookbook
Treasure, Library, Pride Miniboss
Where could you find the enemy called "Twitcher"?
The Corpse
What pickup is described as "May you find enlightenment"
The Hanged Man Card
Noswr Ttoorcerp
Sworn Protector
Beat challenge #28 (Pride Day)
Empty Heart
Treasure, Demon Beggar
How many golden pickups are there? (that you can pick up)
6 - Penny, Heart, Battery, Pill, Key, Bomb