1st Law
2nd Law
3rd Law

What happens to objects in motion when no outside force is applied? 

Stay in motion


This equation solves for how much force you will apply to an object.

F= m*a


For every action, there is an ___________.

Equal to and opposite reaction


What happens to an object in motion when acted upon by an outside force?

Change direction and/or speed.


True or False?

A heavier object will go farther than a lighter object when applied with the same amount of force.



A light object traveling fast runs into a super heavy object at rest. What happens to the light object?

The light object is deflected in the opposite direction it came from. The action was the light object hitting the heavy object, while the equal opposite reaction was the light object bouncing off of the heavy object.


Objects at rest stay at rest when ______.

There is no outside force.


If you know the amount of force applied to an object, and you know the mass of the object that hit it, what equation could you use to find the speed of the object that hit it?

F/m= a


A ball bounces on the floor and comes back up. What pushed the ball back up?

The floors equal opposite reaction.


Objects at rest when acted upon by an outside force will ________.

Be put in motion.


A light marble and a heavy marble are rolled towards each other at the same speed. When they collide, what happens to the light marble?

The light marble is pushed in the opposite direction from the heavy marble and travels far.


The action/reaction pair of pedaling a bike is the Earth pushing your tires forward and the tires pushing back on the Earth. What is the action?

The tires pushing back on the Earth.


This causes objects in motion to stay in motion and objects at rest will stay at rest.

What is inertia?


A light marble and a heavy marble are rolled towards each other. What happens to the heavy marble when they collide?

The light marble does not have enough mass to overpower the heavy marble, so it continues in the same direction at a slower speed.


In Newton's Cradle, what would be the reaction?

The ball on the opposite end getting pushed by the force from the action.
