Baby Safety
Baby Development
Baby Safety part 2
Misc Facts
Mommy's Boundaries

How should babies be positioned when they sleep?

On their back


This is Isabella's due date



What foods can you give Isabella without permission?

Trick question. Do not give ANY food ever to Isabella no matter the age, without my or Jeremy's explicit permission.

More specifically we will say no to anything with:
-Processed sugar, artificial food coloring, healthy approved foods shaped like cookies/candies/cakes. developmentally inappropriate ingredients (honey, certain grains, common allergy foods we havent tested, etc) 


True or False: We will teach Isabella to hug our immediate family (her grandparents & aunts/uncles), and we will encourage her to hug trusted friends and family, but we will NOT force her to do so.

False: We will not be "teaching" her or "encouraging" her to hug anyone she doesn't want to. If she hides behind my leg and doesn't want to hug a grandparent or sibling - that is her choice, and we will NOT be shaming her into showing affection towards people she's not comfortable showing physical affection to. You can ask her if she wants a hug when she is old enough to communicate.


Babies should wait to start solid foods until they are at least how old?

6 months

CAUTION: DO NOT feed my baby ANY food that you are eating or that has not been explicitly approved by myself. No exceptions. Even past 6 months. Don't do it.


On average babies start crawling at this age

6 months


What is the recommended age for a baby to sleep with a blanket?

1 year

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends waiting until a baby is at least one year old before introducing a blanket or any other object into the crib.


Babies are born without which body part?



When is it allowed for someone to pick up or hold Isabella?

NEVER... unless 

1) she is in danger and you are removing her from danger

2) Myself or Jeremy has given explicit permission on that day and time.


When is it ok to kiss Isabella on the face or hands?

NEVER. Do not kiss Isabella under any circumstances. No exceptions. HSV-1 can cause brain damage or death in infants

67% of people aged 15-50 have HSV-1 - most people don't know they have HSV-1, and it can be spread through saliva whether you're presenting with symptoms or not.


According to typical baby growth rates and Isabella's current gestational age. How much does Isabella weigh right now?

Between 5.2 and 5.7 lbs


What is the recommended temperature for a baby's room?

between 68-72 degrees Fahrenheit


The average total cost of raising a child from birth to 18. (+/- $25,000)



The amount of planned screentime Isabella will be exposed to at 1 year vs 3 years. 

No planned exposure at both years. We will plan to not expose her to any screentime including:

Cell phones, educational videos, kid movies, TVs playing in the background, etc.

Starting when she is in school - she will be exposed to a weekly movie night with the family on popular movies her school friends will likely be talking about.


What is the recommended water temperature for a baby's bath?

Ideally 98.6, but between 90-100 degrees Fahrenheit is also ok!


The age at which babies will start to smile socially.

4-8 weeks


Babies shouldn’t eat this food until they are at least 1 year old

Honey: Honey can cause botulism, which is a type of food poisoning, in babies under one year old. Babies should not have honey in any form, even cooked in baked goods. 


How many diapers does the average baby use per year? (+/- 500)



Name 3 scenarios in which we will not allow you over to our house to see Isabella.

1. You did not plan a visit. It was a pop-in last minute thing

2. You are showing ANY symptoms of being unwell - even allergy symptoms

3. It is in the first 3 months of her life and you have been to a large gathering, bar, or airport in the past week.

4. It is in the first 3 months of her life and you have elementary age children or younger who have been around other children or a park/arcade/ "child-friendly" place in the past week.


A baby shouldn’t wear sunscreen until they are how old?

6 months old.

A baby’s young skin doesn’t have the ability to metabolize and excrete chemicals often found in sunscreens. The chemicals found in sunscreen may therefore cause a rash or skin irritation for newborns and infants under 6 months. 


This is the average weight when a baby is born

7.5 lbs


According to safety guidelines, a toy that can fit in this household object is too small for a child under 3 due to choking hazards.

Toilet paper tube 


The amount of people who will be excluded from the strict "Crazy mom rules" that I'll be putting in place for Isabella.

IDC if you are a grandparent, best friend, aunt, a person who has raised 10+ healthy and thriving children or a certified pediatrician. If I have set a rule surrounding what my child can be exposed to, and you decide that you know better than me, the MINIMUM natural consequence will be less exposure to my child and a zero-trust policy around Isabella until I feel like you can respect my boundaries.
