The crazy indie middle school Isabelle attended
What is the School for Creative Studies?
Isabelle's most hated sandwich component
What is a tomato (cucumber also accepted)
Name one species of fungus Isabelle and her capstone team are using to filter metal out of water
What are oyster mushrooms / black mold / others (isabelle can confirm).
The number of brothers Isabelle has
One of the sports Isabelle played in high school
What is swimming, track, or soccer?
The number of glasses of whole milk Isabelle had once at a friend's house because she'd never had it before, causing her to switch forevermore to skim milk (yuck!)
What is 6(check)?
Isabelle's favorite cheese (must say out loud for full points)
What is gouda (HOW-DA)?
The number of years Isabelle tented for? (bonus if you can name which years)
The non-Allister Kuehn sibling who was always on Allister side growing up
Who is Elliot?
Isabelle's max coffee consumption per day
The reason "Dr. D" got into history
What is """historical fiction"""?
The color scheme of Isabelle's room
What is black and white? (Duke MBB & "Australia" also accepted)
The quality that Isabelle half-shares with Vincent Van Gogh
What is Dutch
Nationality that Isabelle mistakenly attributed to one of Chester's friends for several years
Isabelle's Mario Kart driver of choice
Who is Daisy?
Isabelle's favorite coffee place
What is 321 coffee?
What Isabelle's shirt said at the Duke/UNC MBB game
What is "All I Do is Win" ("DUKE" also accepted)?
Brand of coffee that Isabelle's family buys every year on Christmas Eve and Isabelle describes as her favorite coffee in the world
What is Double Dutch Coffee?
Fill in the blank: "Like some crazy loove hawk, ___!"
What is "aah-RAH!!"
The reason piping is a bad choice for the structure the fungi will grow on to extract metals from water
What is clogged pipes?
Isabelle thinks this "man movie" is a "must-watch"
What is The Godfather?
The thing Isabelle JUST GOT INTO!!!!!