How old am I?
What is 14?
How many pets do I have?
What is three pets?
What's my favorite color?
What is purple or pink?
Do I have any siblings?
What is one sister?
Do I take dance?
What is no duh?
What's my second favorite thing to do besides dance?
What is sailing?
How many dogs do I have?
What is 2 dogs?
What color eye's do I have?
What is hazel?
Who do I get along with more, my mom or my dad?
What is definitely my mom?
What is my favorite class?
What is company?
When is my birthday?
What is October 26th?
What's my golden retriever's name?
What is Sandy?
What kind of phone do I have?
What is an iphone 13?
What's my sister's name?
What is Madeline/Maddie/Maddawg?
What's the hardest class I take?
What is pointe?
How tall am I?
What is 5'3 AND a half?
What's my Cat's name?
What is Socks?
How long did I wear invisalign?
What is six months? 😛
How old is my sister?
What is eleven?
How long have I been dancing for?
What is ten years?
How long have I been doing sailing camp?
What is five summers?
What are all of my pet's names?
What is Cass, Sandy, and Socks?
What is my zodiac sign?
What is scorpio?
What are my parents names?
What is Tabitha and Will?
What is my dance studio called?
What is Dance works?