What fruit is small, red, and often used to make jam?
What is Strawberry
What animal is known for its slow movement and lives in trees?
what is Sloth
An area of land that is filled with greenery and wild animals?
What is the Forrest
What is the name of the famous superhero who can swing from buildings with his web?
what is Spider-Man
What type of flower is known for being yellow and turns toward the sun?
what is a Sunflower
What is the sweet, cold treat you eat with a spoon on hot days?
What is an Ice Cream Sundae
This animal is a fast runner, black and white stripes.
what is a Zebra
The 4 main directions we use to describe an area or direction of something, often seen on a map or compass
What is North, East, South, West
What is the term for a quick movement in sports, like in basketball or soccer?
what is to Sprint
What do we call the process of turning a seed into a plant? "It has shown lots of "_____"
what is Growth
What is the name of the popular Mexican dish made with a folded tortilla, often filled with cheese or meat?
What is Quesadillas
This animal slithers across land and through some bodies of water. It can be a number of colors, and sometimes is venomous.
What is a Snake
The area where ocean meets land is called a ____
What is the Sea Shore
What is the name of the popular cartoon character who is a yellow sponge that lives in a pineapple under the sea?
what is SpongeBob SquarePants
What do we call the action of finding the answer to a problem or puzzle? "Hold on, I am "_____"
What is Thinking
It is not safe to speak with a _____
what is mouthful
A _____ is a small, fascinating marine creature known for its unique appearance. It has a horse-like head with a long, curved snout, a slender, upright body, and a prehensile tail, which means it can grasp and hold onto objects like coral or seaweed.
What is a Seahorse
A ____ is a small, flowing body of water that typically flows in a narrow channel. _____ are usually smaller than rivers and can be found in many natural landscapes, including forests, mountains, and valleys.
What is a Stream
A popular life simulation game where players create and control virtual people.
What is Sims
The 5th finger on your hand
what is a Thumb
Made by simmering vegetables, herbs, and spices, without meat. It’s lighter but still packed with flavor, making it a great vegetarian or vegan alternative.
What is a broth
_____ have short, stiff whiskers around their snouts, which help them detect food on the ocean floor. They primarily eat clams, mussels, and other mollusks, which they forage for using their sensitive whiskers and by rooting around on the seabed.
What is a Walrus
A ____ is a powerful and dramatic explosion of a star that occurs at the end of its life cycle.
What is a Supernova
The Disney movie is set in a vibrant, modern city called ____, which is inhabited by a diverse array of anthropomorphic animals. The animals live in harmony, with each species having its own unique district or environment, such as the tundra, the jungle, and the savannah.
What is a Zootopia
What do we call the event we celebrate every year on the same day for someone?
What is a Birthday