Zones of Regulation
Ask a Friend
Growth vs. Fixed Mindset
Feeling Stressed Out!

Name the 4 Zones and an emotion in each

Blue - Tired, Sad, Sick, Bored

Green - Ready to Learn, Focused, Happy, Calm

Yellow - Worried, Frustrated, Anxious, Silly/Wiggly

Red - Angry, Upset, Out of Control

What is a tool?

Something to keep your body calm and focused

Something to help you do your work easier

Can be something you touch 

Can be something you do


Ask someone in the group what their favorite calming tool is

student example

Tell the group the difference between a growth and fixed mindset

Growth mindset - believing in ourselves that we can grow smarter and stronger over time by trying new and challenging things

Fixed mindset - believing that we aren't good at something or can't do something 

If you were stressed out what zone would you be in?



Is it okay to be in a Zone other than Green?

Yes!! It is always okay to feel our feelings. The Zones help us recognize what we are feeling so that we can use a tool to help get back to the Green zone. 


Give an example of a blue zone tool

Take a break, talk about your feelings, think happy thoughts, move your body, get some water or snack


Demonstrate how you would introduce yourself to someone new

Hi my name is _____, what is your name? It's nice to meet you!


Change this statement to a growth mindset:

"This is too hard, I can't do it."

I will try

I can do it

I can ask for help


What strategies do you use to cope with stress?


Video Games


Deep Breathing

Talk to Family/Friends

Journal Thoughts



What is a trigger?

A trigger is something that causes you to move outside your green zone. There can be external and internal triggers (ex - demanding school work, losing a game, lack of sleep, being sick).


Give an example of the "self talk" tool

I can do this!

I am smart!

This is challenging but I will try!


Ask someone in the group if they had a superpower what would it be and why?

student example

Tell the group about a time you had a fixed mindset. How could you have changed you mindset?

student example


Share with the group something that makes you feel stressed

Lots of homework

Pressure to do well on EOGs

Nervous about making friends


You got a bad grade on an assignment you worked really hard on. What Zone would you be in?

Yellow - Frustrated

Red - Angry, Upset


What do you do if you try a tool but it is not helping?

Ask for help from teacher or parent, share feelings, try another tool


Name everyone in the class (including teachers!)

student example


Give an example of a growth mindset and fixed mindset with this problem:

You got a bad grade on an assignment you worked hard on. 

Growth - I can try better next time, I can practice asking for help, I can learn from my mistakes.

Fixed - I am stupid and never going to get a good grade. 


Ask someone in the group what is the most stressful part of their day

student example

certain class, taking test, homework time?


Tell the group about a time you were in the Red Zone. Did you use a tool?

student example


Tell the group about a time you used a tool. Did it help?

student example


Tell the group a joke

Why didn't the skeleton go to school?

His heart wasn't in it

What are positive effects of having a growth mindset?

Greater ability to work through challenges

Increased self esteem

Increased learning leads to becoming smarter

More willing to step outside of comfort zone and take risks

Reach meaningful goals

Have a more positive attitude

Higher academic achievement 

More positive social experiences


When situations seem threatening to us, our bodies react quickly to supply protection by preparing to take action. What is this response to stress called?

Fight or flight response
