What is the first pillar of Islam?
Shahada, the declaration of Faith
In what language was the Quran revealed in?
What calendar does Islam follow?
The Lunar Calendar
Where did Islam originate?
In Mecca, Saudi Arabia
What is the form of dress Muslims wear called?
(Hint: Headscarf/Veil)
The Hijab
How many times to Muslim pray every day?
5 times a day
Sunrise, Midday, Afternoon, Evening, Night
What is Muhammad (pbuh) to Muslims
The Final Messenger/Prophet
How long do Muslims fast for?
From before Sunrise to Sunset
What kind of society was early Mecca?
What is the term for Islamic Law?
What is Zakat and Hajj?
The Act of Charity and the Act of Pilgrimage (to Mecca)
What is the Quran's significance to Muslims?
It is considered to be the Word of God
How is Ramadan important in terms of the Quran?
It was the month it was first revealed
What was the name of the Tribe Muhammad was from?
The Quraysh Tribe
What is Sunnah?
Traditions and practices of Muhammad that Muslims are encouraged to replicate
What is the direction Muslims face when praying?
Towards the Kaaba in Mecca
Which Angel revealed the Quran to Muhammad?
What is the purpose of Ramadan?
To practice reflection, self-discipline, and paitience
Why were the Quraysh against Muhammad's teachings?
Economic, no one would offer offerings to their statues
What is a common practice during Eid al-Fitr?
Giving gifts, visiting family, etc
What are all the Five Pillars of Islam?
Shahada (Faith) - Salat (Prayer) - Zakat (Charity) - Sawm (Fasting) - Hajj (Pilgrimage)
What is the Other Book considered important by Muslims?
The Hadith
How often does is the cycle of Ramadan?
33 years
Name one of the prophets that Christianity, Judaism, and Islam share
Adam, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, etc
What is Halal and Haram?
Halal - Term for permissible/lawful
Haram - Term for impermissible/unlawful