What determines a person's eternal destiny in Islam?
What is the Islamic view of the afterlife?
Answer: Resurrection of bodies and either paradise or hell.
DOUBLE JEOPARDY: What is the Arabic name for Jesus?
Answer: Isa.
What is the name of God in Islam?
Answer: Allah.
What is the name of the tallest mountain in the world?
Answer: Mount Everest.
How might Allah's mercy affect a person's eternal destiny?
Answer: It may tip the balance to heaven, as His will is supreme.
What is a prevalent theme of the Qur'an regarding the afterlife?
Answer: Fear of eternal torment.
How is Jesus regarded in Islam?
Answer: As one of the most respected of the over 124,000 prophets sent by Allah.
What is shirk?
Answer: The greatest sin in Islam, associating anything with God.
What is the smallest country in the world?
Answer: Vatican City.
What is the Christian view of salvation? Give the exact Scripture text from your NOTES!!!!!!
Answer: It is by God's grace, not by an individual's good works, and must be received by faith, believing in the heart that Jesus died for sins and physically rose again.
Scripture: Ephesians 2:8-10
What is the Christian view of what happens after death?
Answer: Believers go to be with Jesus, and after death, all people await the final judgment.
What is the Islamic view of Jesus' crucifixion?
Answer: That He was not crucified but ascended to heaven without dying.
What do many Muslims mistakenly think Christians believe?
Answer: That Christians believe in three gods.
Double Jeopardy: What is the name of the largest ocean on Earth?
Answer: Pacific Ocean.
Double Jeopardy: What is the Islamic view of human nature?
Answer: That humans are basically good but fallible and need guidance.
Double Jeopardy: What is the Islamic view of paradise?
Answer: It includes a garden populated with houris, maidens designed by Allah to provide sexual pleasures to righteous men.
Double Jeopardy: What is the Islamic view of Jesus' return?
Answer: That Jesus, not Muhammad, will return for a special role before the future judgment day, perhaps turning Christians to Islam.
What kind of attributes cannot be associated with God?
Answer: Human attributes, such as fatherhood.
What is the name of Spongebob's pet snail?
Answer: Gary.
What is the Christian view of the Holy Spirit?
Answer: That the Holy Spirit is God, the third person of the Trinity, and is not the Father nor the Son, Jesus Christ.
What is the Christian view of Jesus?
Answer: That Jesus is God, the second person of the Trinity, fully God and fully man, and the only way to the Father and eternal life.
DOUBLE JEOPARDY: What titles are used for Jesus in Islam?
Answer: Messiah and Ayatollah (ayat allah, sign of God).
Double Jeopardy: What is the Christian view of God?
Answer: He is personal and involved with people, created the universe out of nothing, is eternal, immutable in His character, holy, loving, and perfect.
Who is the Richest man in the world?
Elon Musk (as of 2/2025; worth 400 billion)