Followers of Islam are known by this name.
What are Muslims?
The Five Pillars of Islam represent these for Muslims.
What are the fundamental religious duties?
Muslims face this city during their daily prayers.
What is Mecca?
Finish the Line: Scooby Dooby Doo _ _ _?
Where are You?
This is the name of the house of worship where Muslims gather for prayers, sermons, and counsel.
What is a mosque?
This pillar requires Muslims to pray five times daily facing Mecca.
What is salat?
This person calls Muslims to prayer from the mosque.
Who is a muezzin?
Finish the Line: Good to Go _ _ _!
It's me Mario!
The term "jihad" in Islam most precisely translates to this English word.
What is "to struggle"?
During this month, Muslims fast from dawn until sunset.
What is Ramadan?
The five daily prayer times include dawn, noon, mid-afternoon, sunset, and this time.
What is one hour after sunset?
An Uber driver is going the opposite way down a one-way street. He passes five policemen along the way, none of which stops him. Why not?
Because the Uber driver was walking.
Often compared to the Christian "Just War Theory," jihad can also refer to this type of effort.
What is armed struggle against enemies of Islam?
The pillar known as "zakat" requires Muslims to do this.
What is giving alms or charity (2.5% of net profit)?
The Arabic term "sawm" refers to this practice during Ramadan.
What is fasting?
A man shaves many times during the day, but at the end of the day, he still has a beard. How is this possible?
The man is a barber.
This Arabic term refers to the declaration of faith that Allah is the one true God and Muhammad is his prophet.
What is shahada?
Muslims must make this journey to Mecca at least once in their lifetime if physically and financially able.
What is hajj or pilgrimage?
Muslims pray toward what direction? N W E S
What is East?
This Arabic term refers to the holy effort Muslims make to fight evil tendencies within their own souls.
What is jihad?
You are in a dark room with a box of matches. Nearby are three things: a candle, an oil lamp and a log of firewood. Which do you light first?
The match