what does a aqaaid mean
what does fiqh mean
rules and laws of islam
what does islam mean
what does Mohammed mean
the one praised by all
define the following as samee and al hayy
as samee the all hearing
al hayy the ever living
what is wudu
wudu is a special way of cleaning ourselves taught to us by aallah
who is a munafiq
a hypocrite
what was the sword of siyyidina ali
what are the pillars of eman
belief in Allah his angels his books his messenger the day of judgment and Qadr good and bad
what does taharah mean
taharah means cleanliness and purity both physically and spiritually
what is the significance of the Islamic calendar?
it helps Muslims observe important events such as Ramadan hajj and Eid
what battle took place in 5 AH?
battle of ahzab{treaches}
why was surah al kawthar reveled
it was revealed to console the prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi when the quraish mocked him for not having any sons as they believed he would be forgotten allah reassured him with the blessing of surah kawthar
what are things that break wudu?
1 passing urine 2 passing stool 3 breaking wind 4 deep sleep 5 fainting
what is the Islamic calender based on?
the islamic calendar is based on the lunar calender, which is determined by the phases of the moon.
where was the first masjid built
what message does surah an Nasr want to give
the surah teaches us to thank allah and seek forgiveness when achieve sucess.It reminds us that all victories come from allah
what is the steps of wudu?
1.Intention2.Tasmiyyah bismillah3.to wash both hands up to the wrists4.Gargle 3x 5.put water over the nostrils6.wash face 3x7.wash both hands up to the elbows. 3x8.khilal of the fingers and toes.9.Masah of the head1x10.Masah of the ears1x11.Masah of the neck 1x12.wash both feet 3x13.Read the dua after wudu.
what is the signs of qiyaamah
children will disobey their parents alcohol or drugs will be common speaking lies will be common
who was the first boy to accept islam