Mecca is the holiest city in what region...
The Islamic Region
The Islamic calendar is how many day fewer than the Gregorian calendar?
11 days fewer
Where was Ibn Battuta born?
Tangier, Morocco
What is one book all muslims believe in?
The Quran
What was the punishment for being a believer?
What is the name of the of the pilgrimage that muslims take to Mecca...
What is the Islamic calendar based off of?
The phases of the moon.
When Ibn Battuta went on his Hajj, where did he go?
To the Holy City of Mecca.
What is the oldest standing Islamic monument?
Dome of the Rock
What year did Muhammad bring his army to Mecca?
630 C.E.
What kind of people are not allowed in Mecca?
People that are not Muslim.
How many months are in the Islamic calendar?
What were Ibn Battuta’s goals?
To visit all of the Islamic countries, and to never travel the same route twice.
What is the ninth month in the Islamic calendar called?
When Muhammad died what did most people start doing?
Most people of the Arabian Peninsula began to practice Islam and called themselves Muslims.
This stone building at the center of Islam's most important mosque and holiest site in Mecca is known as the "House of God," what else is it known as?
People of the Islamic religion started their calendar with Prophet Muhammad’s migration to which city…
The city of Medina
Before returning to Morocco in 1354 C.E., which desert did Ibn Battuta cross?
The Sahara Desert.
What is the name of the festive celebration that follows Ramadan?
Eid ul-Fitr, or Breaking of the Fast
What words come from the Arabic language?
zero, cotton, lemon, and candy
Which famous explorer pretended to be an Afghan Muslim in order to sneak into Mecca in 1853?
Sir Richard Burton
The Islamic and Gregorian calendars will not celebrate the same year until which year?
Why did Ibn Buttuta return home?
He lost everything he owned.
During Ramadan, Muslims will do what between sunrise and sunset, but the children do not have to do it?
They have to fast and the children do not.
Where and when was Muhammad born and how did he become the prophet?
Muhammad was born in Mecca in 570 C.E. He was around 40 years old when he spent time in a cave meditating. During this time, the Angel Gabriel visited him and revealed messages from God.