What does Shahadah mean?
Testimony of Faith
Which prophet could communicate with animals?
Prophet Sulaiman AS
What is the last surah in the Qur’ān?
Surah An-Nas
What do Muslims say when they hear someone sneeze and say Alhamdulillah?
What was the name of Prophet Muhammad SAW’s grandfather?
Abdul Muttalib
What is the percentage of wealth Muslims give in Zakat?
Who was the father of Prophet Yusuf AS?
Prophet Yaqub AS
In which surah is the longest verse in the Qur’ān?
Surah Al-Baqarah, Ayah 282
When entering the bathroom, which foot should you step in with?
Left Foot
Which country was the first to officially accept Islam?
Ethiopia (Abyssinia), ruled by King Negus
What is the name of the pre-dawn meal before fasting?
Which prophet was given the miracle of healing the sick?
Prophet Isa AS
What is the dua for entering the bathroom?
Allahumma inni a’udhu bika minal khubthi wal khaba’ith
What is the Sunnah way to cut nails?
Start with the right hand, then the left, then the right foot, then the left foot
How old was the Prophet SAW when he received the first revelation?
40 years old
How many times do Muslims circle the Ka’bah during Hajj?
Seven Times
What was the test given to Prophet Ayyub AS?
Severe illness and loss of wealth
Which surah is known as “The Heart of the Qur’ān?
Surah Yā-sīn
How can a Muslim earn continuous rewards (Sadaqah Jariyah)?
By giving charity, teaching knowledge, or leaving behind a good deed that benefits others
What was the name of the cave where Prophet Muhammad SAW received his first revelation?
Cave Hira
What is the name of the well in Makkah that provides water to pilgrims?
Which prophet had control over the wind?
Prophet Sulaiman AS
What surah should you recite for protection before sleeping?
Surah Al-Mulk
What should a Muslim do if they forget to say Bismillah before eating?
Say Bismillahi fi awwalihi wa akhirihi
What was the name of the treaty between Muslims and the Quraysh that lasted for 10 years?
Treaty of Hudaybiyyah