The name of the meal Muslims eat when they break the fast?
What is Iftaar?
The son of Mariam who received the Injeel or Gospel
Who is Isa?
The number of suras (chapters) in the Quran
What is 114?
The Arabic name for Paradise
What is Jannah?
Most Muslims live in this Asian country
What is Indonesia?
The number of times Muslims go around the Kaaba during Tawaf?
What is 7?
Known to be very wise, he was a king and a Prophet
Who is Sulaiman?
The month during which the Quran was revealed
What is Ramadan?
Adam and Eve used the leaves of this tree to cover themselves
What is fig?
This city is known as the City of the 1000 Minarets
What is Cairo?
The special white clothes Muslims wear during Hajj
What is Ihram?
These two hills are where Prophet Ibrahim left his wife Hajar and son Ishamel
What is Safa and Marwa?
In Sura Al-Fatiha, God is known as the King or Master of
What is the Day of Judgement?
The Quran mentions four rivers of the following in Paradise
What water, milk, honey, wine, and milk (yougurt)?
To do the Hajj or pilgramage, you need to get a VISA to this country
What is Saudi Arabia?
When water is not available to do Wudu, you can do this instead
What is Tayamum?
Gracious, pious and wise, Ibrahim was called the ________ of God
What is Al-Khalil (Friend)
Read from right to left, the Quran was revealed in this language
What is Arabic?
Abel and Cain are called this in the Quran
What is Qabeel and Habeel?
Prophet Mohammad encourages people to seek education even if they have to travel as far as
What is China?
Muslims pray 5 times a day. The first prayer is called
What is Fajr?
When Prophet Mohammad was a baby, he was sent to this woman to breastfeed him
Who is Amina?
Reading of the Quran is called Tarteel, chanting the Quran is called
What is Tajweed?
This gate to Paradise admits only those who fast
What is Rayyan?
After the death of the Prophet Mohammad, two Muslim groups emerged
Who are Sunnis and Shias?