How many surahs begin with (الۤـمۤ )Alif Laam Meem?
Who was the first Muslim among the men
Abu Bakr (May Allah be pleased with him)
How many times is the word day mentioned in the Quran?
The three Holy Masjids are located here.
Mecca, Madina, Jerusalem
How long is the day of Judgement
50,000 years
Which surah does not begin with Bismillah?
Surah Tawbah
Who is known as saif-ullah among the Sahaba?
Khalid ibn Waleed (May Allah br pleased with him)
What is the most repeated word in the Quran?
Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala)
The former name of the city of Madinah.
How long does it take to fall to the bottom of Jahannam?
70 years
How many surahs begin with disjointed letters?
Which Sahaba is mentioned by name in the Quran?
Zayd ibn Haritha (ra)
How many words in surah Kawthar?
This sunnah can be performed 24/7 only by Men.
Growing the beard
Four rivers of jannah mentioned in the Quran
Honey, Wine, Milk, Water
How many times is the Phrophet ﷺ mentioned by name in the Quran?
First Ambassador in Islam sent by the Prophet ﷺ to Medina
Musaib ibn Umair (ra)
How many times is (ٱلرَّحْمَانِ) mentioned in the Quran
This man killed Hamza ibn Abd Al-Muttalib, the uncle of Muhammadﷺ, but later converted to Islam?
Washi (ra)
How will Allah reward those with patience on the day of judgement?
Without measure
How many times is Musa(عَلَيْهِ ٱلسَّلَامُ) mentioned in the Quran?
How long did Ali (ra) rule as khalifah
5 years
Which 2 phrophets are mentioned twice in the Quran
Idrees & Dhulkifl
Name two battles that took place in the month of Ramadan
Battle of Badr, Battle of Ain Jalut,Conquest of Mecca,Battle of Hattin,Conquest of Andalusia
Which name of Allah is mentioned most in the Quran? (excluding Allah)