How many Rakat is Isha prayer?
4 rakats
who is the first prophet?
Prophet Adam (AS)
Who is Allah?
1: Allah is the creator of everything.
2: Allah is the one who gives life and death.
3: Allah has control over everything
What is the holy book called in Islam?
How many eids are there ?
2, adha and fitr
Towards which direction do the Muslims pray?
Towards Kaaba
Who is the last prophet?
Prophet Muhammad (SAW)
How many pillars of Islam are there?
What is Quran?
Quran is the word of Allah
what does Alhamdulilah mean ?
All thanks or praise due to Allah.
What is sujud?
which prophet was thrown in a well?
prophet Yusef
How long do we fast in Ramadan?
1 month
What should we do before reading the Quran? (100 points for each answer)
1: Wear a clean cloth and make sure your body is clean.
2: Make wudu (Ablution)
3: Make sure the surrounding area is clean.
How many daily prayers are there in Islam?
5 daily prayers
Why salah is very important in Islam?
Because Salah is the second pillar of Islam
Which prophet was thrown into the fire and survived?
Prophet Ibrahim
Which angel revealed the Quran to nabi Muhammad?
Which surah do we read in every salah?
al- Fatihah
How many names dose Allah have?
99 names
Which prayers do we read the quran out loud?
Fajr, Magrib and Isha
Which prophet was swallowed by a whale?
Prophet Yunus.
What is the Friday prayer called?
Which surah was 1st revealed?
How many children does Prophet Muhammad have?