What is the meaning of Al-Fil?
What is The elephant?
What was the age of Prophet Muhammad (may peace be upon him) when the Quran was first revealed to him through Angel Jibreel
What is 40 years old?
The complete revelation of the book took around 23 years?
What is Quran?
Its words came in a dream of Abdullah Bin Zayd?
What is the Adhan/call to prayer?
It means "In the name of Allah the most gracious, the most merciful.
What is Bismillahir-rahmanir-rahim?
Name the last surah of the Quran
What is Surah Al Nas?
Who was buried directly next to the Prophet Muhammad?
Who is Abu Bakr As Siddiq?
Which angel is mentioned most frequently in the Quran?
Who is Angel Jibril?
In the standing position during prayer how should the hands be placed
What is right hand placed over the left?
This word refers to the direction in which Muslims face while praying?
What is Qiblah?
What is the longest surah in the Quran?
What is Al- Baqarah?
How many prophets are mentioned by name in the Quran?
What is 25?
What is the greatest verse in the Quran?
What is Ayat al-Kursi (The Throne Verse)?
This refers to the shortened version of prayer that is performed while traveling?
What is Namaz e Qasar?
What is plural for Masjid meaning more than one?
What is Masajids?
Which Surah is regarded as the Heart of the Quran?
What is Surah Yaseen/ Chapter 36?
This Prophet is related to the tree of immortality?
Who is the Prophet Adam?
Surah Al-Ikhlas is equivalent to?
What is one-third of the quran?
What is the number of body parts that should touch the ground while in prostration?
What is 7?
Islamic term referring to the hereafter?
What is Akhirah?
Where was the first surah revealed?
What is Makkah?
Name the 6 Prophets that have surahs named after them in the Quran?
Who are? Surah al Yunus- chapter 10, Surah Al- Hud chapert 11, Surah al Yusuf chapter 12, Surah ibrahim chapter 14, Surah Al-nuh chapter 7, Surah al- muhammad chapter 47
This surah is referred to as the "Bride of the Quran"
What is Surah Ar-Rahman?
Practiced by the Prophet between Isha and Fajr?
What is Tahajjud/Night Prayer?
Performed when cleansing the body?
What is WUDU?