how many prophets are mentioned in the quran
How old was the prophet ﷺ when he became prophet
40 years old
how many surahs are in the quran?
114 surahs
what does ar-raheem mean?
The most merciful
what are the 3 questions asked in the grave?
Who is your Lord, what is your religion, and who is your Prophet?
Who was the prophet before Muhammad ﷺ
Isa عليه السلام
How old was the prophet ﷺ when he went to medina
53 years old
what is the last surah in the quran called
Surah An-Naas
what does al-malik mean
The owner/ruler
what is the first thing Allah created?
The pen
who was the prophet that could speak to animals and jinns
prophet Sulayman عليه السلام
What month was the prophet ﷺ born (bonus 100 if you get the date, nothing at all if you get it wrong)
12th Rabiulawwal
in which month did the Quran get revealed
you get free 300 points
what does the shahada translate to?
"I bear witness that there is no God but God, and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah."
What miracles could prophet Isa do
Speaking as an infant
Create birds from clay
Healing the sick
Raising the dead
Providing from from heaven
what is the first battle called between Quraysh and the muslims
The Battle Of Badr
which surah is the longest and which one is the shortest
longest: Surah Baqarah
shortest: Surah Kawthar
What does Al-haadi mean?
He who guides
what does ﷽ mean?
"In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful"
Who was the prophet after Adam عليه السلام
Idris عليه السلام
How many people died in the battle of Tabuk ( The last Battle between Quraysh and the muslims) (bonus 100: how long before Prophet Muhammads ﷺ death it was)
0 people died. It was 2 years before the prophet ﷺ died.
How is the Quran perserved and transmitted across generation.
the Quran is kept safe through respectful storage in mosques and homes, preservation of antient manuscripts in museums, regulated printing, digitization, and the belief in Allahs protection.
name 7 names of Allah (cant name any mentioned already)
What does fard, Wajib and mustahab mean?
obligatory, necessary and recommended