How many prophets are there that are mentioned in the Quran?
Where did prophet Ibrahim pass away?
Why did the prophet leave Makkah?
Quraysh was planning to kill him
What was prophet Yusuf's special talent?
Interpreting dreams
Name 3 major signs of the Day of Judgement
How are prophets Ibrahim and Lut related
Uncle and nephew
What is the name of the tribe that Ismaeel grew up with?
Who pretended to be prophet Muhammad when Quraysh planned to kill him?
His cousin, Ali bin Abi Talib
What did prophet Yusuf put in Benjamin's camel that got him arrested?
The king's cup
Who is the only prophet who did not pass away?
Which prophet is mentioned the most in the Quran
The rock Ismaeel gave his father to step on while building the Kaabah
Who were Al-Ansar?
The supporters of the Muhajireen, from Madinah.
Name the two Qiblahs
Al-Aqsa and then Al-Kaabah
Who (as mentioned in the textbook) build Al-Kaabah?
Ibrahim and Ismaeel
Name 3 prophets and 3 messengers
Messengers: Muhammad, Musa, Isa, etc.
Prophets: Any others
How many half brothers and blood brothers did prophet Yusuf have?
1 blood brother and 10 half brothers
He let a camel go and built the masjid where it kneeled.
Describe the King of Egypt's dream
7 skinny cows eating 7 fat cows; 7 green spikes of grain and 7 dry ones
Means 7 years of great harvest followed by 7 barren years
What is the name of the angel who will blow the trumpet on the Day of Judgement?
Angel Israfeel
Who are the two prophets mentioned in the Hadith but not in the Quran?
Shayth and Yousha
How many wives did Yaqoub have?
Whose baby was the first baby to be born from the Muhajireen in Madinah?
What was prophet Yusuf's nickname?
What are the 4 parts of Qadr?
Al-Ajal (life span)
As-Sihhah (health)
Ar-Rizq (wealth)
Life Quality