Huquq Allah?
Rights of Allah
duties that must be done by all Muslims
Fard Al-Ayn
Examples of Huquq Allah
zakah, Hajj, praying, fasting
Huquq Al-Ibad?
Rights of the Servants
duties that not all Muslims have to do, but at least one person must do it
Fard Al-Kifayah
Examples of Huquq Al-Ibad
being kind, being helpful, obeying the law, taking care of the environment
Something that is Huquq Allah that is also Fard Al-Ayn
salah, fasting, zakah
The whole Muslim community will get a sin if _______ is not done
Fard Al-Kifayah
Main example of Fard Al-Kifayah
an imam leading salat ul-janazah
Something that is Huquq Al-Ibad that is also Fard Al-Ayn
being kind, taking care of the environment
Zakah that is based on our wealth
Zakat ul-Mal
Examples of Fard Al-Ayn
salah, fasting, being kind and respectful
Zakat ul-Fitr
zakah paid on Eid ul-Fitr
minimum amount we have to save up before we pay zakah
Example of something that is Huquq Allah that is also Fard Al-Kifayah
community service, fighting for the sake of Allah