What is zakah?
Paying some of our wealth once a year
The minimum amount of wealth we have to save up before we pay zakah
Things that can count as zakah
money, gold, silver, crops, animals
What are the two kinds of zakah?
Zakat ul-Mal and Zakat ul-Fitr
zakah paid during the month of Ramadan
Zakat ul-Fitr
The types of people that can receive our zakah
the poor, needy, new Muslims, Muslims who collect our zakah, prisoners of war, travelers, slaves
How is Zakat ul-Fitr different from Zakat ul-Mal?
Zakat ul-Fitr must be paid by every Muslim who has enough money to take care of their daily needs
Patience is the main lesson we learn from __________
Prophet Ayyub
How did Allah test Prophet Ayyub?
Allah took all of his wealth, health, and family away
What is the main difference between Prophet Muhammad and Prophet Ayyub?
Prophet Ayyub was a wealthy prophet and Prophet Muhammad was a poor prophet
What is a shaheed?
Someone who would rather be killed for the sake of Allah than give up their iman