How many pillars are there?
What is the shortest surah in the Quran?
Name of the horse like creature that Muhammad PBUH used during Isra wal Miraaj
What is the name of the night in Ramadan in which the Quran was revealed?
Laylat al-Qadr (Night of Power)
What foot do you use to enter the masjid, and then which foot do you leave the masjid with
What is the first pillar of lslam?
what is the longest surah in the quran
Surah al Baqarah
Which country has the most Muslims
(by number amount and not percentage)
What Holiday follows right after Ramadan
Eid Al Fitur
what was the first qiblah
Masjid al aqsa
Name all 5 pillars
Shahadah, Prayer, Fasting, Hajj & Zakat
how many surahs are in the quran
What are all the mandatory Salahs in Ramadan each day.
Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, and Isha
Which gate of paradise is reserved for the people who fasted regularly?
What masjid did the prophet pray in during the Isra wal Miraaj
Masjid Al-Aqsa
How many times do muslims circle the Kaaba and in which direction
7 times counter clockwise
Amount of Juz in the Quran
What is the first month of the Islamic Calendar?
The special night in Ramadan is better than approximately how many years?
83 years
Whats the name of the First mosque
Masjid Quba
What are the three pillars you stone in hajj called together
Name the two classifications of ayahs/surahs in the Quran
Mekkan and Madinan
Which prophet smashed his fathers idols
In which month would Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) fast the most outside of the month of Ramadan?
What is the reward of praying in Masjid Al-Haram akin to
It’s as if you prayed 100,000 salah