In Islam, what is the declaration of faith?
The Shahada
What is the longest Surah in the Quran?
During the Hijra, who accompanied the Prophet (SAW) to Madinah?
Abu Bakr As-Siddiq
What is the act of personal purification before prayer called?
The Qibla was originally in a different location before Mecca. Where was it?
Hajj includes circling the Kaaba seven times. What is the term for this ritual?
Who was the Christian king who gave refuge to early Muslim migrants in Abyssinia?
King Negus/Najashi
What is the Dua you say before leaving the house?
What was the original name of Madinah?
Sawm requires fasting from specific activities. List three things that invalidate the fast
Eating, drinking, vomiting deliberately, bad deeds (lying, backbiting, etc.)
The Quran was revealed over how many years?
23 years
Who was the foster mother of Prophet Muhammad who cared for him as a child?
Halimah Sa'diyah
The act of sacrificing animals on Eid ul-Adha is known as Qurbani, explain the story behind why this is done.
Story of Prophet Ibrahim and his willingness to sacrifice his sone, Ismaeel. (Specific answers can vary).
What is the name of the mosque in Quba, the first mosque built in Islam?
What percentage of wealth must Muslims give as Zakat?
What are the seven oft-repeated verses that are mentioned in Surah Al-Hijr
Surah Al-Fatiha
In what year did the Prophet's (SAW) wife, Khadijah, die in?
619 C.E.
During Hajj, Muslims travel between the hills of Safa and Marwah. What is the term for this ritual?
What is the name of the well near the Kaaba, believed to be a miraculous gift from Allah to Hajar and her son Ismaeel?
The well of ZamZam
What is the name of the act of seclusion and devotion performed during the last ten days of Ramadan in a mosque?
The Quran was not revealed as a book, but in different times and places depending on the situation. The Quran itself was put together after the death of the Prophet (SAW) and during the rule of a Khalifa; which Khalifa was it?
Uthman ibn Affan
What was the name of the treaty that Prophet Muhammad signed with the Jewish tribes in Medina?
The Constitution of Madinah
What is the name of the prayer Muslims perform when seeking guidance from Allah on a decision?
What is the name of the valley where Prophet Muhammad and his followers endured a boycott for three years?
The valley of Abu Talib