Does islam encourage honor killings?
In fact, the Qur’an specifically prohibits even speaking ill of a woman without the testimony of four witnesses.
Which Prophet is known as the "seal of the Prophets"
Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ)
How many times is the name of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) mentioned in the Qur'an?
4 times
Who founded the first University in the world?
Fatima al Fihri, a muslim woman, in Fez, Morocco, year 859 CE
Who is exempt from fasting
travelers, the sick, the weak, elderly, pregnant women, kids
If a person is a good person throughout his/her life, but does not believe in God, will he/she go to hell?
No one can be forced to believe, Allah (swt) will judge them in a fair way.
But those who don't believe because of reasons out of their control will not be held accountable.
What was the name of the father of Prophet Yusuf (AS), who was also a Prophet?
Prophet Yaqub (AS)
What Surah is known as the heart of the Quran?
Surah Yaseen
Who was the first Muslim leader to give free healthcare to his citizens?
Prophet Muhammad (saw)
What is sighted to signal the start of Ramadan?
The crescent moon
What are the 6 pillars of Imaan?
Belief in the oneness of Allah, Belief in the Angels, Belief in the Books (scriptures), Belief in the Messengers and Prophets, Belief in the day of Judgment, Belief in the divine decree (Al Qadr)
what prophet was thrown down a well?
Prophet Yusuf (AS)
In which surah is the verse of Ayat-ul-Kursi found?
Surah Al-Baqarah
Why did the leaders of Quraysh decide to kill Prophet Muhammed (saw) after 13 years of allowing him to live in Makkah?
His decision to make hijra to Medina and establish an islamic state
What is the name of the door in paradise that only opens if you fast?
Bab Al-Rayaan
What is the islamic view on punishments such as the death penalty and stoning?
Penalties that have prescribe certain punishments only in certain situations, and it must be carried out by a state authority.
Most of these punishments were made so people would be too scared to commit the crime, making these punishments happen rarely.
ex: stoning for adultery requires the testimony of four eyewitnesses.
Which Prophet was known for his exceptional patience and is mentioned in the Qur'an for enduring great trials?
Prophet Ayyub (AS)
Who is the only woman mentioned by name in the Quran?
Maryam (RA)
Which caliph took control of Al-Aqsa in Jerusalem
Umar ibn al-khattab
(The bishop of jerusalem handed over the keys of the city of jerusalem to Umar ibn al-khattab. No killing or destruction was carried out by Muslims. All holy sites of the christians were left untouched.)
What is it called when a muslim stays at the Masjid for 3 or more nights?
I’tikaf (best done in the last 10 days of ramadan as the Prophet had done so)
Does Islam allow freedom of speech?
Islam allows freedom of speech as long as there respect and justice. The Qur'an encourages speaking the truth but also warns against using speech to spread falsehood or harm others (Surah Al-Hujurat 49:11-12). Constructive criticism is valued, but slander and insult are prohibited.
Which Prophet was given the Zabur (Psalms) as a revelation?
Prophet Dawud (AS)
The Quran mentions four rivers made of what substances in Paradise?
Milk, Wine, Honey, Water
Who was the first martyr (shaheed) in Islam?
Sumayyah bint Khayyat
What dua is encouraged to say on Laylatu’l Qadr
Allahumma innaka 'afuwwun tuhibbul-'afwa fa-a'fu 'anna
"O Allah, indeed You are all-Pardoning, You love pardoning, so pardon us”