Who was the last prophet in Islam?
Prophet Muhammad
What angel delivered the Quran to Prophet Muhammad?
Angel Jibreel
What was the name of the Prophet Muhammads first wife?
What is the Shahada in English?
I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.
What does the word "Islam" mean?
Submission or Peace through submission to Allah
Which prophet built the Kaaba with his son?
Prophet Ibrahim
In which cave was the first revelation given to the Prophet Muhammad?
Cave Hira
What was the first major battle in Islamic History?
Battle of Badr
How many rakats total are there without sunnah?
What are the 3 questions you will be asked in the grave?
Who is your lord?
What is your religion?
Who is your prophet?
Which prophet was swallowed by a whale?
Prophet Yunus
On what night was the Quran revealed?
Laylatul Qadr
Before Islam, what was the Kaaba used for?
Idol worship
What is the significance of Laylatul Qadr during Ramadan?
The night the Quran was revealed
Which 2 angels are responsible for questioning the deceased in the grave?
Munkar and Nakir
Which prophet could speak to animals?
Prophet Suleiman
How many years did it take for the complete revelation of the Quran?
23 years
What tribe was the dominant power in Mecca before Islam?
Quraysh tribe
What is the percentage of Zakat that must be given from savings and wealth?
What Hadith collector is considered the most authentic after the Quran?
Sahih al-Bukhari
Who was known for his extreme patience during hardships?
Prophet Ayyub
Who was the first person to write down the Quranic revelations?
Zaid Ibn Thabit
Which sahabi was known as the sword of Allah
Khalid Ibn-waleed
What is the literal meaning of the word Hajj?
To set out for a journey
Which angel is responsible for blowing the trumpet to signal the day of judgement?
Angel israfil