Which Prophet was known as Khalilullah (The Close Friend of Allah)?
Prophet Ibrahim AS
Who was the first person to receive the revelation of the Qur'an?
Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
What was the name of the city that is known as "The city of the Prophet SAW"
What is the name of the first Islamic state established by the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ?
Madinah / The Islamic State of Madinah
What did Fir‘awn do to weaken the people of Musa (AS)?
He killed their sons and enslaved them, keeping them dependent on him.
What was the main reason Allah destroyed the people of Lut (AS)?
They engaged in open and normalized immorality & sin, refusing to repent.
What was the first word revealed in the Qur'an?
"Iqra" (Read) [Surah Al-‘Alaq 96:1])
Name three key battles in which the Prophet ﷺ led the Muslims against the Quraysh.
Battle of Badr, Battle of Uhud, Battle of the Trench
Which Khalifah compiled the first official Muslim calendar based on the Hijri system?
Umar ibn Al-Khattab (RA)
What was Musa AS’s first step in fighting oppression?
Calling Fir‘awn to Tawheed/Justice and demanding freedom for Bani Israel (Oppression).
Why did Prophet Yusuf (AS) ask to be placed in charge of Egypt’s treasury instead of staying silent under the rule of a non-Muslim king?
Because leadership under a just ruler can bring benefit to the people and implement justice.
How was the Qur'an preserved during the lifetime of the Prophet ﷺ?
It was memorized by the Sahaba and written down on parchment, bones, and leather.
What was the main reason the Quraysh opposed the Prophet SAW and his Companions.
He publicly challenged their economic system, their laws, their idols, and their oppression of the weak. He denounced their oppression (Kufr) and pushed for justice (laws of Allah)
The Islamic Golden Age (8th-14th century) was known for its advancements in many fields. Name two areas of knowledge where Muslims excelled during this time.
Medicine, Astronomy, Mathematics, Engineering, Philosophy, etc
How did Fir‘awn use psychological tactics to make himself appear powerful and Musa AS weak?
He called Musa a madman, socercer, mocked his past, and used propaganda to scare the people.)
What did Prophet Dawud (AS) and Prophet Sulaiman (AS) have in common that makes them unique among prophets?
Both were kings who ruled by divine law while also being prophets.
Who was responsible for compiling the Qur'an into one official book (Mushaf)?
Abu Bakr As-Siddiq (RA) ordered the compilation, led by Zaid ibn Thabit.
What did Prophet Muhammad (SAW) say is greater than praying, fasting, and giving charity, (Individual Rituals)?
Commanding good and forbidding evil. Establishing Justice on the Earth.
The fall of the Khilafah in 1924 was a major turning point in Islamic history. What was the name of the last official Caliphate, and who abolished it?
The Ottoman Caliphate, abolished by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. Of course this was endorsed and executed by the plans and help of the western powers.
What was the major mistake Bani Israel made after being freed from Fir‘awn’s rule?
They still had a slave mentality and asked for an idol to worship.
Why did Prophet Ibrahim (AS) not accept living under Nimrud’s rule and what method did he use to challenge him?
He rejected Nimrud’s false claim to divinity, Legal authority, and used intellectual arguments and direct action, including destroying the idols, to expose falsehood.
What was the miracle of the Quran? What type of miracle was the Quran?
The Quran was a Linguistic Miracle. Arabs revered poetry, and the Quran was the best of speech.
According to hadith, what will happen when Muslims abandon enjoining good and forbidding evil?
Allah will send punishment upon them and will not accept their supplications.
According to Islamic thought, what is the fundamental flaw in separating religion from governance (secularism), and how does Islam provide an alternative?
Secularism removes divine guidance from laws, leading to human desires ruling society. Islam offers a divine system (Shariah) where laws are just, absolute, and beneficial for all.)
How does our condition in the Ummah relate to the condition of Musa AS?
Musa AS grew up with better living conditions without a slave mentality while maintaining his Iman, and he used that to save Bani Israel. We Muslims in the west are supposed to use our resources to help the rest of the Ummah.