What do Muslims recite in the first unit of every prayer?
Which Surah is known as the "Heart of the Quran"?
What was the first miracle performed by Prophet Isa (AS) according to the Quran?
Speaking as a baby to defend his mother
What historical Islamic event happened on Laylatul Qadr?
The first revelation of the Quran to the Prophet SAW in Cave Hira
Which books were revealed to different prophets?
1. Tawrat to Musa AS
2. Zabur to Dawood AS
3. Injil to Isa AS
4. Quran to Muhammad SAW
What is the ruling on missing a single obligatory prayer intentionally?
Major sin
What is the last Surah revealed in the Quran?
Who was given the ability to interpret dreams?
Prophet Yusuf AS
Praying on the night of Laylatul Qadr is better than praying for ______ months
What are the four sacred months in Islam?
1. Muharram
2. Rajab
3. Dhul-Qi’dah
4. Dhul-Hijjah
What is the last sitting position in prayer called?
What is the longest ayah in the Quran called and what Surah is it located in?
Ayat ul-Dayn; Al-Baqarah
Who was the only prophet to be directly called "Khalilullah" (Friend of Allah) in the Quran?
Prophet Ibrahim AS
Which battle took place during Ramadan?
Battle of Badr
What are the five categories of rulings for reward and punishment?
1. Halal - Permissible
2. Mustahab - Recommended
3. Mubah - Neutral
4. Makruh - Disliked
5. Haram - Forbidden
What is the name of the voluntary night prayer highly recommended in Islam?
Which prophet’s name appears the most in the Quran?
Prophet Musa AS - 136 times
Which prophet is mentioned in the Quran as an example of patience and suffering?
Prophet Ayyub AS
Which Prophet is known to have fasted continuously and extensively, even outside of Ramadan?
Prophet Dawood; fasted every other day
Which two angels are responsible for questioning people in their graves?
Munkar and Nakir
Which prayer did the Prophet (SAW) describe as being “better than the world and everything in it?
Two Rakah Sunnah before Fajr
How many times is Prophet Muhammad (SAW) mentioned by name in the Quran?
4 times
Which two prophets were cousins?
Prophet Isa AS and Prophet Yahya AS
What is the specific dua recommended for Laylatul Qadr, as taught by the Prophet (SAW)?
اللهم إنك عفو تحب العفو فاعف عني
"O Allah, You are the Most Forgiving, and You love forgiveness, so forgive me."
Which historical Islamic battle took place on a Friday, and what was its outcome?
Battle of Uhud, which initially saw Muslim victory but later turned into a setback due to strategic mistakes