How many Surahs are in the Quran?
114 Surahs
Which city was the Prophet PBUH born in?
Makkah, Saudi Arabia
Which Prophet was able to speak to animals and jinns?
Prophet Sulaiman AS
What is the most important action done/said before beginning the fast?
The intention or Niyyah
What are the five Pillars of Islam?
Shahadah, Salah, Zakat, Sawm, Hajj
Who was the Prophet with the Ants?
Solaiman AS
How old was the Prophet PBUH when he passed away?
63 years old
Which prophet was swallowed by a whale?
Prophet Yunus AS
What's the significant night that occurs during one of the last 10 days of Ramadan?
Laylatul Qadr
What are the six Pillars of Iman
Belief in Allah swt, belief in angels, belief in the holy books of Allah swt, belief in the messengers of Allah swt, belief in the Day of Judgment, and belief in Qadr
How many verses are in Surah Al-Bakarah?
286 verses
Who was the Adopted son of the Prophet PBUH?
Zayd ibn Haritha
Which prophet was known for his patience?
Prophet Ayyub AS
What is the name of the door in paradise that opens only for those who fast?
Bab Ar-Rayyan
Which Salah is equivalent to losing your entire family and wealth?
Asr prayer
Ibn Umar reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Whoever misses the afternoon prayer, it is as if he had lost his family and his property.”
Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 552, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 626
Who was the person that was given the responsibility of compiling the Quran?
Zayd ibn Thabit
Which companion of the Prophet PBUH married two of his daughters?
Uthman ibn Affan
Which Prophet could heal leprosy and blindness?
Prophet Isa AS
The breath of a fasting person smells sweeter to Allah swt than the smell of Musk
What are the two angels that record our deeds called?
Kiraman Katibin
What are the four stories mentioned in Surah Al-Kahf?
1. The story of the people of the cave
2. The story of the man who owned two gardens
3. The story of Musa AS and Al Khidr
4. The story of Dhul Qarnayn
Name the Uncles of the Prophet (PBUH) who were alive when Nabi Muhammad became a Prophet. Next, tell me from them who became a Muslim and who stayed disbelieving in the call of the Prophet.
Abu Talib and Abu Lahab- Stayed Disbelieving
Abbas and Hamzah- became Muslims
Which prophet was given the most direct conversations with Allah without an intermediary angel?
Prophet Musa AS
Which Dua is encouraged to be said during Layatul Qadr?
"Allahumma innaka Afuwwun tuhibbul afwa fafu `annee"
There's a man who dies but his wife does not inherit anything. In Islam, the wife is usually supposed to inherit from her husband. Why is this scenario different?
“The Muslim does not inherit from a kaafir and the kaafir does not inherit from a Muslim." (al-Bukhaari, 6764)