Which Prophet was swallowed by a whale?
Prophet Yunus (as)
Which surah protects its reciter from the punishment of the grave?
Surah Mulk
Which 2 of the sahaba are buried next to the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)
Abu Bakr al-Siddiq and Umar ibn al-Khattab
What did Allah create Angels and Jinn out of? (Name 2 materials)
Angels - light; Jinn - smokeless fire
How many gates of Jannah are there?
Which Prophet (as) had control of the Jinn and was able to talk to animals?
Suleiman (as)
Which surah was revealed to console the Prophet (PBUH) in times of hardship?
Surah Duha
The year the Prophet (PBUH) was born in is called "The year of the ___"
Which angel was tasked with delivering Allah's SWT messages to the Prophets?
Angel Jibril (Gabriel)
Which pillar was commanded in the journey of al Isra wal Miraaj?
Praying 5 times a day
Which Prophet (as) was tested with a severe illness by Allah?
Prophet Ayoub (as)
Which Prophet was mentioned by name the most times in the Quran?
Musa (as)
How old was Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) when he received the first revelation?
Which angel will blow the horn to signal the Day of Judgement?
Angel Israfil
Which battle in Islamic history happened in Ramadan?
Battle of Badr
Prophet Mohammad ﷺ said he’s the answer of which Prophet (as)’s dua?
Prophet Ibrahim (as)
Which Surah doesn’t begin with the bismillah?
Surah Tawbah
Who narrated the most number of ahadeeth?
Abu Hurairah (ra)
Which angel is the guardian of Hellfire?
Angel Malik
Allah says in the Quran He is closer to us than our ________?
Jugular Vein (Surah Qaf)
Which Prophet's people were destroyed by a storm as punishment for their disbelief?
Prophet Hud (as)
In which Surah is the verse "Indeed, with hardship, there is ease" found?
Surah Ash-Sharh
Which female sahabiyyah was known to be a fierce warrior who always protected the Prophet (PBUH) in battle?
Nusaybah bint Ka’ab (ra)
Which angel carried out the destruction of the city of Prophet Lut (as)?
Angel Jibreel (Gabriel)
Which river will dry up as a sign of the Day of Judgement?
Euphrates River