A whale swallowed this prophet.
Who is Prophet Yunus?
The animals mentioned in Surah Al-Fil.
What are elephants and birds?
The first person to embrace Islam after Prophet Muhammad received revelation.
Who is Khadijah?
According to the Sunnah, the most beloved deeds to Allah are consistent ones, even if they are this.
What is small?
He was the first adult male to embrace Islam and is known as As-Siddiq (the Truthful)
Who is Abu Bakr (RA)?
The number of prophets are mentioned by name in the Quran.
What is 25?
The people who slept for 300+ years and were preserved.
Who are the People of the Cave (Ahl-Al-Kahf)?
The first battle in which the Muslims faced the Quraysh.
What is the Battle of Badr?
The sunnah act before entering the mosque was emphasized by the Prophet (PBUH) and includes performing two units of prayer.
What is Tahiyyat al-Masjid (Greeting the Mosque)?
The Prophet ﷺ gave him the title “The Sword of Allah” due to his exceptional bravery in battle.
Who is Khalid ibn al-Walid (RA)?
The prophet that was given the miracle of speaking as a baby.
Who is Prophet Isa?
The names of the two brothers that are central to the story of envy and forgiveness in the Quran.
Who are Habil and Qabil?
The Christian king in Abyssinia who gave protection to early Muslim emigrants.
Who is An-Najashi?
(Negus, Ashama ibn Abjar)
The two surahs the Prophet (PBUH) frequently recited before sleeping
What are Surah Al-Mulk and Surah As-Sajdah?
This companion was known for his immense generosity and was called “The Possessor of Two Lights” because he married two of the Prophet’s daughters.
Who is Uthman ibn Affan (RA)?
The prophet given the miracle of softening iron with his hands.
Who is Prophet Dawood?
A group of people that was destroyed by a piercing wind for their arrogance and disbelief.
Who are the people of 'Aad?
The peace treaty between the Muslims and Quraysh.
What is the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah?
The Prophet (PBUH) described a form of hidden shirk that can enter the heart as subtly as an ant walking on a stone in the dark.
What is showing off (Riya)?
Known as “The Trustworthy of this Ummah”, he was appointed by the Prophet (PBUH) to safeguard important items.
Who is Abu Ubaidah ibn al-Jarrah (RA)?
This prophet was granted a long life and was taken to the heavens without experiencing death.
Who is Prophet Idris?
The name of the man who was given knowledge by Allah and met Prophet Musa.
Who is Al-Khidr?
The first battle the Muhammad (PBUH) contributed to?
What is Harb Al-Fijar (The Sacrilegious War)?
The Prophet ﷺ compared the believer who recites the Qur’an to this fragrant and sweet fruit.
What is the citron (utrujjah)?
He was known as the Prophet’s ﷺ “scribe of revelation” and the one who completed the compilation of the Qur’an into one book.
Who is Zayd ibn Thabit (RA)?