What is the fruit you break your fast with?
A date
How many Surahs (chapters) are in the Quran?
114 Chapters
What Prophet was the Prophet that got swallowed by a whale?
Prophet Yunis (as)
What is the 5 pillars of Islam?
What is the friday congregation called?
Jumaah prayer
What are the last ten nights of Ramadan called?
Laylatul Qadr
What was the first FULL Surah revealed in the Quran?
Surh Al-Fatiha
Who was the first woman to accept Islam?
What is the animal most mentioned in the Quran?
The Camel
Which Eid do you slaughter a goat?
Why is Ramadan the most blessed month in the Islamic calendar?
What is the longest surah in the Quran, and what does the title translate to?
Surah Al-Baqarah. Translates to Cow
Which Prophet built the Kaa'ba with his son?
Prohpet Ibrahim (as)
On what days of the week is it Sunnah to fast?
Monday and Thursday
What is the holiest city in Islam?
Name 3 people who are exempt from fasting in Ramadan.
Children, pregnant and breastfeeding women, elderly, travelers, sick, and menstruating women.
What is the name of the angel who revealed the Quran to Prophet Muhammad (saw)?
Angel Jibreel
Who is the Prophet that killed someone on accident?
Prophet Musa (as)
What Surah does not begin with Bismislah?
Surah Tawbah
What percentage of a Muslim's wealth is given annually as Zakat?
What are the last 3 rakats in taraweeh called?
What is the heart of the Quran?
Surah Yasin
Which Prophet's son killed his brother? And what are their names?
Adam. Qabil and Habil
How many gates of Jannah are there?
What are the 6 pillars of Iman?
1. To believe in Allah (swt) 2. To believe in the Angels 3. To believe in the Books 4. To believe in the Prophets 5. To believe in the Day of Judgement 6. To believe in Qadr