Family Engagement
Academic Achievement
Title 1/Social Work
Extra Curricular
Three to five years old.
What is the age students participate in Amanacer Preschool?
Penny Wars.
What is our first fundraiser at the beginning of school?
Takes place in or out of the school day, can be done with your PLC/team or individually, workshops and learning related to your job.
What was the last professional development session you attended? Follow up, give us an example of what you last attended?
The percentage of Islands students to qualify for free and reduced lunch.
What is 44%?
1. Run Club 2. Oceanography 3. Just Boyz 4. Side by Side 5. Intramurals 6. Green Thumbs
What are extra-curricular activities for Islands students? or What are ways students are engaged beyond the school day?
To identify students on your radar- attendance, social, emotional, or academic.
What is the purpose of a “PING” meeting?
Fundraisers organized by the PTA for families to eat dinner/lunch. Examples include McTeacher Night, Sidewinder Subs, Buffalo Wild Wings, Peter Piper Pizza (and yearbook party).
What are family food nights and some examples?
Based on formative and summative assessments, your grade level's standards, and formed with your Professional Learning Community.
What is a SMART goal your PLC has used this year? Follow up, what is an example of your PLC's goal?
Islands Elementary.
What is a targeted title school?
Kindergarten Celebration 1st grade- The Desert 2nd grade- December Holidays 3rd grade- Gratitude/Thanksgiving 5th/6th- Band and Strings Concerts
What musical concerts/programs are there each school year?
Multi-Tiered System of Supports. The team that evaluates and implements interventions for students.
What does MTSS mean?
Staff concessions, talent show, dunk tank, silent auction, family games, book fair, and face painting.
What are activities that happen at the Spring Fling carnival?
Each Islands’ grade level has been above the state AZMerit test average?
What is yes?
1. Caring closet 2. AZ Brain Food 3. Social groups 4. Back to school night 5. Dolphin tree 6. Just Boyz/Side by Side
What are the ways our school serves students with social/family needs?
1. Cookies with the principal 2. Attendance parties 3. Character counts awards 4. Dolphins of the week
What are ways Islands recognizes students, besides academic achievement awards?
1. CST (Child Study Team) 2. Student must be in the tier system (K-3) 3. Student must be receiving interventions (DSS) or parent request 4. Testing within 60 days of CST 5. Review testing results, create and develop IEP with parent approval and input.
What is the process for a student to qualify for an IEP?
1. Planning and helping with classroom parties. 2. Classroom parent. 3. PTA organization. 4. Art Masterpiece. 5. Assistance in the classroom. 6. Assistance in the library. 7. Field Trip chaperone.
What are some examples of ways families can volunteer at our school?
1st- 42% 2nd- 21% 3rd- 42% 4th- 46% 5th- 50% 6th- 55%
What is the % of students that exit from the reading intervention program?
1. Second step program 2. Relaxation room 3. Dolphin Pals
What are the social groups our Social Worker runs?
An after school club focused on social development of third through sixth graders by their gender.
What is Just Boyz and Side by Side?
Communication Disorders (CD). 1. Have to be
What are the criteria for a student to be staffed into the CD program?
1. Welcome back pool party 2. Open House/ Curriculum Night 3. Fall Festival/ Spring Fling 4. Title 1 Parent Engagement Night 5. Be Kind Parent Night 6. Concerts 7. BINGO Night 8. Giving Tree Breakfast 9. VIP Lunch
What are some family engagement nights/events Islands’ hosts?
1st- 50% 2nd- 40% 3rd- 100% 4th- 43% 5th- 45%
What is the % of students that exit from the math intervention program?
Students are provided with backpacks of healthy food donations every Thursday to help bridge the gap over the weekend for students who receive free/reduced lunch.
What is AZ Brain Food?
Third through sixth grade students apply to help positively impact, contribute, and generate ideas for Islands Elementary.
What is Bucket Brigade?