when did israa miraj take place

one year before hijrah


how many times was the heart of the prophet saw washed

3 times


when the prophet (saw) saw dajjal, what were two of the phrases he used to describe him

"Mammoth-sized (faylamaniyyan), extremely pale and white (aqmaru hijan), one of his eyes is protuberant as if it were a twinkling star. His hair is like the branches of a tree. He resembles `Abd al-`Uzza ibn Qatan (who died in Jahiliyya)."


Who was in heaven 1? 

Adam (as)


What is bayt al ma'mur

Every day seventy thousand angels enter the Inhabited House, who shall never return to it until the Day of Resurrection. This House is exactly superposed to the Ka`ba. If one stone fell from it it would fall on top of the Ka`ba. The angels who have entered it never see it again. It is located in the 7th heaven. 


who were the three angels that took the prophet saw to the zamzam well 

jibrail, mikail, israfil as


Who were the 4 that spoke from the cradle 

hairdresser's child, Yusuf's witness, Jurayj's companion, and `Isa ibn Maryam


The Prophet saw a pearl-like white column (`amud) which the angels were carrying. He said: "What is this you are carrying?" They replied:

"The Column of Islam. We have been ordered to place it in Syria."


Then the Prophet continued for a little while. He saw a tablespread on which there were pieces of (good) meat which no one approached, and another tablespread on which were pieces of rotten meat which stank, surrounded by people who were eating it. The Prophet asked: "O Jibril, who are these?" He replied:

 "These are those of your Community who abandon what is lawful and go to what is unlawful."


When the Prophet reached Musa wept. He was asked: "What is it that makes you weep?" He replied:

I weep because a child that was sent after me will enter more people in Paradise from his Community than will enter from mine. The children of Israel claim that among the children of Adam I am the one most honored by Allah, but here is one man among the children of Adam who has come after me in the world while I am in the next world (and is more honored). If he were only by himself I would not mind, but he has his Community with him!"


where was the first place the prophet saw traveled to on the buraq



Where did the sweet scent come from and what is the story behind it?

"This is the scent of the lady who combed the hair of Fir`awn's daughter and that of her children. As she combed the hair of Fir`awn's daughter the comb fell and she said: bismillah ta`isa fir`awn -- In the name of Allah, may Fir`awn perish! whereupon Fir`awn's daughter said: Do you have a Lord other than my father? She said yes. Fir`awn's daughter said: Shall I tell my father? She said yes. She told him and he summoned her and said: Do you have a Lord other than me? She replied: Yes, my Lord and your Lord is Allah. This woman had two sons and a husband. Fir`awn summoned them and he began to entice the woman and her husband to renege on their religion, but they refused. He said: Then I shall kill you. She said: Be so good as to bury us all together in a single grave if you kill us. He replied: Granted, and it is your right to ask us. He then ordered that a huge cow made of copper be filled with boiling liquid (oil and water) and that she and her children be thrown into it. The children were taken and thrown in one after the other. The second and youngest was still an infant at the breast. When they took him he said: Mother! fall and do not tarry for verily you are on the right. Then she was thrown in with her children."


As the Prophet was travelling he heard someone calling him from his right: "O Muhammad, look at me, I want to ask you something!" But the Prophet did not respond. Then he said: "Who was this, O Jibril?" He replied:

"This is the herald of the Jews. If you had answered him your Community would have followed Judaism."


Who was in the second heaven?

Isa as and Yahya as


What are the 5 different seedlings of paradise? 

la hawla wa la quwwata illa billah al-`ali al-`azhim 

subhan allah

wa al-hamdu lillah

wa la ilaha illallah

wallahu akbar


who were the people that sowed in a day and reaped in a day 

These are al-mujahidun -- those who strive -- in the path of Allah the Exalted. Every good deed of theirs is multiplied for them seven hundred times, and whatever they spend returns multiplied.


Then he saw a man who had gathered a stack of wood which he could not carry, yet he was adding more wood to it. He said: "What is this, O Jibril?" He replied:

"This is a man from your Community who gets people's trusts when he cannot fulfill them, yet he insists on carrying them.


The Prophet continued travelling and then passed by a woman with bare arms, decked with every female ornament Allah had created. She said: "O Muhammad, look at me, I need to ask you something." But he did not look at her. Then he said: "Who was this, O Jibril?" He replied:

"This was the world, (al-dunya). If you had answered her, your Community would have preferred the world to the hereafter."


The Prophet saw to Adams right great dark masses and a gate exuding a fragrant smell, and to his left great dark masses and a gate exuding a foul, malodorant smell. Whenever Adam looked to his right he would smile and be happy, and whenever he looked to his left he would be sad and weep. The Prophet greeted him and Adam returned his greeting and said: "Welcome to the righteous son and the righteous Prophet!"

The Prophet said: "What is this, O Jibril?" He replied:

"This is your father Adam and the dark throngs are the souls of his children. Those on the right are the people of Paradise and those on the left are the people of the Fire. Whenever he looks to his right he smiles and is glad, and whenever he looks to his left he is sad and weeps. The door to his right is the gate of Paradise. Whenever he sees those of his offspring enter it he smiles happily. The door to his left is the gate of Gehenna. Whenever he sees those of his offspring enter it he weeps sadly.


On the gate of paradise it was written

Charity is repaid tenfold, and loan eighteenfold.


The Prophet saw a man swimming in a river of blood and he was being struck in his mouth with rocks which he then swallowed. The Prophet asked: "What is this, O Jibril?" He replied:

 "This is what happens to those who eat usury."


Then he passed by people who had copper nails with which they scratched their own faces and chests. He asked: "Who are these, O Jibril?" He replied:

 "These are the ones who ate the flesh of people and tarnished their reputations."


Jibril asked for the gate to be opened. Someone said:

Finish the rest of the opening conversation at every gate

 "Who is this?"


 "Who is with you?


 "Has he been sent for?"


 "Welcome to him, from his family! May Allah grant him long life, a brother (of ours) and a deputy (of Allah), and what excellent brother and deputy! What an excellent visit is this!"


Who was in 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th heavens? 

3rd - Yusuf as 

4th - Idris as 

5th - Harun as 

6th - Musa as and various Prophets who had with them less than ten followers in all, while others had a large company, and others had not even one follower.


As the Prophet was descending he asked Jibril: "Why did I not see any of the people of heaven except they welcomed me and smiled at me except one: I greeted him and he greeted me back and welcomed me, but he did not smile at me?" He replied:

"That was Malik the custodian of the Fire. He never smiled once since the day he was created. If he had ever smiled for anyone, it would have been you."
