What amazing thing did God do?
Split the water
What was the name of the river the Israelites were going to cross?
God showed everyone on earth that his is __________.
After the death of Moses, who was put in charge?
The people were going to enter the ______ ______.
After _______ days of camping by the river, the people would get ready to cross.
Joshua said, get ready the Lord is going to do something _______.
How did the Israelites remember this event?
They build rock monument.
How many stones did the Israelites use to build they rock monument?
God to Joshua to be _______ & ________ and do not afraid.
Strong & courageous
The people were told to get ready to cross when the saw the ___________ being carried.
Ark of the covenant
Where were the 12 men supposed to find the rocks from to build the monument?
Middle of the river