The European Union uses this common currency in most of its member states.
What is the euro
A country influencing others through culture, media, and diplomacy instead of military force is using this type of power.
What is soft power?
This major international organization monitors and reports on human rights violations worldwide.
This former NSA contractor leaked classified information in 2013, revealing global surveillance programs.
Who is Edward Snowden?
This international agreement, adopted in 2015, aims to combat climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
What is the Paris Agreement?
This international organization, headquartered in Geneva, focuses on global health and has played a major role in pandemics and disease control.
What is WHO?
The international laws that protect civilians and prisoners of war during conflicts are known as these conventions.
What are the Geneva Conventions?
This IR theory argues that international cooperation, institutions, and economic interdependence can lead to peace.
What is liberalism?
Feminist IR theorists argue that traditional theories ignore the role of this factor in shaping international relations.
What is gender?
The mass killing of an ethnic, religious, or national group is legally classified as this crime.
What is Genocide?
The term for a self-governing state?
What is sovereignty?
The UN Security Council has five permanent members with veto power. Name three of them.
This IR theory argues that democratic countries are less likely to go to war with each other.
What is Democratic Peace Theory?
This professor teaches international studies through film, surveillance capitalism, and has focused his research on the Uyghur minority within China
Darren Byler
This 1948 document, adopted by the UN, outlines fundamental human rights.
What is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?
his military alliance, founded in 1949, was created to counter Soviet influence in Europe.
What is NATO?
The official residence and workplace of a country's diplomat in a foreign state is called this.
What is an embassy?
A ceasefire agreement between warring nations that does not officially end a war is called this.
What is armistice?
This international court prosecutes individuals for crimes like genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity.
What is the International Criminal Court (ICC)?
This international court, based in The Hague, settles legal disputes between states.
What is the International Court of Justice (ICJ)?
The laws and customs of war are primarily governed by this set of treaties, first adopted in 1864. These are not binding.
What is International Law?
The BRICS group of emerging economies consists of these five countries.
What are Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa?
The principle of "Responsibility to Protect" (R2P) was established in response to failures in preventing this 1994 genocide.
What is the Rwandan Genocide?
This region, claimed by both India and Pakistan, has been a flashpoint for conflict since 1947.
What is Kashmir?
This controversial IMF policy package often requires countries to cut public spending and privatize industries in exchange for financial aid.
What are Structural Adjustment Programs (SAPs)?