This is used to identify a trusted computer or device. It is also used to encrypt the rights account certificate private key and decrypt the Rights Account Certificates.
What is AD RMS Machine Certificate
These AD RMS group members have access to only policy template administration in the AD RMS console.
What are AD RMS Template Administrators?
These are applications that allow users to create and consume AD RMS-protected content.
What are AD RMS Enabled Applications?
Also known as RMS templates, they are used to reduce the burden of manually configuring all of the rights that a user or group has on rights-protected content.
What are rights policy templates?
The _______ backs up and restores files and directories. This role is assigned using Active Directory Users and Computers or Computer Management.
What are backup operators?
This is required to consume AD RMS-protected content. The AD RMS server issues one EUL per user per document. EULs are cached by default.
What is End Use License (EUL)?
These specify what a user or group can do with an object.
What are permissions?
This contains the public key that encrypts the content key in a Publishing License. It allows the AD RMS server to extract the content key and issue End Use Licenses (EULs) against the publishing key.
What is Server Licensor Certificate (SLC)?
This AD RMS template right is required to allow a user the ability to use part of the contents of the protected document in a new document.
What is extract?
These allow you to specify which user accounts, client software, and applications are automatically denied access to AD RMS. They also allow you to specify a minimum version of the AD RMS client software.
What are exclusion policies?
An optional component that is not part of the root cluster. However, it relies on the root cluster for certification and other services. It only provides publishing licenses and use licenses to users.
What is a licensing only cluster?
These are issued to federated users. They have a validity of seven days.
What are Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) RACs?
If you have clients running Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, and Windows Server 2003 R2, they can be configured as an AD RMS client by taking this action.
What is download the client software from Microsoft. It is not built into the OS.
Instead of setting up trusted publishing domains or trusted user domains, use this method to allow foreign users to use your AD RMS environment.
What is Federated Identity Support?
This is issued to users who are accessing AD RMS-protected content from a computer that is not a member of the same or trusted forest as the AD RMS cluster
What is the Temporary Rights Account Certificate?
These specify what a user or group can do on a system.
What are rights?
This is issued the first time a user attempts to access AD RMS-protected content. The RAC is used to identify a specific user.
What is a Rights Account Certificate (RAC)?
To recover a key from the CA database using the certutil utility, this information will you need to know about the certificate
What is the certificate serial number?
You should be aware this issue when you perform the installation of AD RMS onto a domain controller.
What is the AD RMS service account will be a domain administrator.
This is the correct URL for the Certificate Authority Web Enrollment pages.
What is https:///ca
An object in Active Directory that holds the web address of the AD RMS certification cluster. It was defined during the installation of AD RMS.
What is a Service Connection Point (SCP)?
This must be deleted if you have to recreate a new AD RMS cluster within an Active Directory domain.
What is the Service Connection Point?
This determines the rights that apply to AD RMS-protected content. It contains the content key, which is encrypted using the public key of the licensing service.
What is a Publishing License (PL)?
This is the first AD RMS server that you deploy in a forest. It manages all licensing and certification traffic for the domain in which it is installed.
What is the AD RMS root certification cluster?
This is configured so that servers in an AD RMS cluster can grant use licenses to another forest or organization.