ADM files were replaced with this in Server 2012 and Server 2012 R2.
What is ADMX files?
When Active Directory is installed, there are two default Group Polices installed at the same time. They are _____ and ______.
What is default domain and default domain controller policy?
This is the primary aim of Group Policy.
What is to provide centralized management of security settings for users and computers?
User configuration policies are applied at this time, by default.
What is at user login?
The key benefit of security templates.
What is - Apply consistent, scalable, and reproducible security settings throughout an enterprise?
Use this Microsoft Management Console to create and manage GPOs.
What is the Group Policy Management Console?
Local GPOs contain fewer options than Domain GPOs. Local GPOs do not support ______ or _____.
What is folder redirection or software installation?
If an administrator has set both block and enforce policy inheritance this setting will win out.
What is enforce?
Computer configuration policies are applied at this time by default.
What is at computer start up?
Use this to ensure that as an administrator, you can still operate routine tasks as a standard user.
What is User Account Control (UAC)? Log on as a standard user then use the "Run As" option to complete tasks as the administrator.
Add this to a workstation to enable launching the Group Policy Management console rather than going to and logging into a server.
What is install Remote Server Administrator Tools package?
The order in which Windows systems receive and process multiple GPOs.
What is LSDOU? Local, Site, Domain, and OU
This setting on an individual GPO link can force the particular GPO settings to flow down through the AD hierarchy without being blocked by child OUs.
What is the enforced setting?
This is a collection of configuration settings stored as a text file with an .INF extension.
What is a security template?
There are two interfaces for creating and managing local user accounts for a computer joined to the domain. Name them.
What is the User accounts in control panel and the Local Users and Groups which can be found under computer management. (Right click on this PC and go to Manage.)
The two main categories found within Group Policy Settings.
What is User Configuration and Computer Configuration?
Use this technique to modify the default permission assignments so that only certain users and computers receive the settings in the GPO.
What is security filtering?
This GPO serves as a template for the creation of domain GPOs based on a standard collection of settings.
What is a starter GPO?
The __________ policy setting enables you to specify group membership lists.
What is the restricted groups policy?
This section of a GPO enables you to log successful and failed security events, such as logon events, account access, and object access.
What is the audit policy section?
If you link a GPO to a domain object, it applies to ______.
What is all users and computers in the domain?
If you link a GPO to a site that contains multiple domains, the group policy setting are applied in this manner.
What is to all the domains and the child objects beneath them. This process is referred to as GPO inheritance.
Name two ways you can alter group policy inheritance.
What is by using enforce or block policy settings?
Name three primary event logs.
What is Application, Security, and System?
This is the simplest way to deploy a security template on several computers at one time.